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Content Library Campaigns
Product Score:
Meghana Hermes

Lead Engineer:
@Martin Sacco
Front-End Engineer:
@Martin Sacco
Back-End Engineer:
@Santiago Magariños
Lead Product Manager:
@Meghana Hermes
Product Analyst:
@Joe Nyhuis
Product Designer:
@Tasha Martin
Lead Product Marketer:
[ ]
Customer Success Advocate:
@Taylor Hansen

A campaign is made up of multiple pieces of content that are grouped together and released as a fluid set of posts at timed intervals. They are frequently centered on a single theme and are published in stages. This will be available only to Advance pricing tiers. Great way for Admins to enable for their LOs to be able to “enroll” into automatic content campaign feeds based on their preference. Some campaign examples given could be “holidays 2021 program, Motivational quote Mondays, 10 Facts about Real Estate etc”. It was also mentioned, that as LOs leave the organization, that they can get unenrolled from the campaigns. This is also a requirement for American National.


Launch Grade:
Marketing Launch:
[ ]

Jira Link:
Prototype Link:
PRD Complete:
Created on:
Created by:
Meghana Hermes
Date last modified:
3/29/2024 2:00:25 PM

Problem Alignment

The Problem/Opportunity

Describe the problem (or opportunity) you’re trying to solve. Why is it important to our users and our business? What insights are you operating on? And if relevant, what problems are you not intending to solve?
In Denim Social’s Publishing Solution today, we allow Admin Users to create social media posts and save them to a Content Library folder, allowing other Users in their organization to schedule and post that content on their own time. Posts that ultimately live in a Content Library folder can be first-party posts that are original posts created by the organization themselves, or can originate from a third-party platform ( reviews, other Partner content (ABA content, ), and in the future other third-party content providers. End-users who access these Content Library folders often schedule their next posts well in advance, which means they will commonly pick several of these posts and schedule them out into the future.
The challenge we’re faced with in the current environment is that these end-users need to manually schedule each of those future posts from the Content Library. We’d like to streamline that by allowing and End-User to “opt in” to an entire Content Library folder worth of content, which will automatically post the content in that content library folder. We’ll call that a “campaign.” An End-User can pick a folder of content, and indicate they want to post every post in that folder on a cadence that is set by their Admin team.


Supply any background information necessary for the problem/opportunity
One of our largest competitors, Hearsay Systems, offers “Campaigns” in their Social platform, and it is a widely adopted feature. It is widely adopted because the End-Users traditionally do not want to be incredibly involved in their social media posts, while their corporate marketing team doesn’t want to directly publish to the social accounts of their producers. “Campaigns” is a happy-medium between the two, where the corporate marketing team isn’t directly publishing to the social accounts of their End-Users, and the End-Users do not need to manually schedule all of their posts for their social accounts.
The fact that “Collections” can be published to a content library folder makes the art of scheduling curated content in an automated fashion incredibly slick as well.
It should be noted: as a part of the experience.com integration (), we will have already built out a portion of this. Through that integration, we will be automatically posting content that appears in a content library folder.


Describe the opportunity that lies ahead of us should we decide to build this product. What do we gain? What’s your first guess as to how we can achieve it?
The opportunity for this product mainly resides in mid-market and above organizations. These are traditionally the accounts that are the least likely to directly publish to the social accounts of their producers, and will request their producers publish directly to their own social accounts.
The development of this product gains significant parity with Hearsay Systems (Social) as well, which is something we would like to achieve as an organization.

High-level Approach

Describe briefly the approach you’re taking to solve this problem. This should be enough for the reader to imagine possible solution directions and get a very rough sense of the scope of this project. (e.g., if “The Problem” was engagement in the design process from non-designers, “The Approach” might be a feed which surfaces work that's relevant to them.)
We believe the concept of a “campaign” is different enough from a standard Content Library folder that we should create a new type of Content Library asset. Currently we have Folders, Posts, and Collections. A 4th could be added called: “Campaigns.” Admin Users should have the ability to create a new “Campaign” just like they can currently create a new Content Library Folder.
When a new Campaign is created, the Admin User should be able to decide whether there is a start date and end date for the campaign, and the frequency between posts that should be prescribed (post once per day, once every 2 days, once every 3 days, etc). If there is a start and end date, we will need to calculate how many total possible posts there could be, based on their posting frequency, and alert them when they have created too many posts for the campaign. We also need to automatically expire this Campaign after the end date of the Campaign.
Alternatively, if they haven’t established start and end dates for the campaign, End-Users can subscribe to them at any time and the posts will post in the order they are present in the Campaign. These would be “evergreen” campaigns that are continually evolving and can be subscribed to until an Admin deactivates the Campaign.
Admin Users need the ability to toggle a campaign on and off. This allows the Admins the opportunity to build the campaign with applicable posts and only make it available once the campaign is completely built.
To create a post inside of a Campaign, Admin Users should be able to save directly to a campaign similar to the way they would be able to save to a Content Library folder. They should also be able to copy a post from a Content Library folder to a Campaign. Content originating in “Collections” should be able to be saved to Campaigns as well.
Campaigns should be able to be shared explicitly with Users, just like Content Library folders can be.

Goals & Success

What does success look like? What metrics are you intending to move? Explain why these metrics are important if not obvious.
Number of Campaigns created
more number of campaigns created should show increase of posts to SNs due to auto publishing
Increase in Number of Published Posts - track associated to Campaigns similar to CL posts
more number of campaigns created should show increase of posts to SN’s due to auto publishing
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Solution Alignment

Give an overview of what we’re building. Provide an organized list of features, with priorities if relevant. Discuss what you’re not building (or saving for a future release) if relevant.
User Stories
Story Name
In Jira?
Dev notes
Admin Alice - set up campaigns and add SN’s on behalf of users
All users should be able to view Libraries, Collections and Reviews in the “Content” Product
We would rename Content Library as Content.
Content would have 4 Tabs:
Content Libraries

All users should be able to view the content libraries: list and grid view with the filters
All users should be able to view the list of folders and grid view of the folders. Users should be able to filter by “Type”, “ Tag” and by text search
As Admin Alice, I want the ability to create Campaign folders in Content Library
Users (admins) with the permission “Mange Content Library“ should be able to Create new library
Similar to Content Library folders Admin should have the ability to create “Campaigns” in Content Library →
Users without “Mange Content Library“ should be able to view Campaigns and be able to subscribe and add their own social networks to the Campaigns.

Auto enrollment How to enroll: Similar to Experience
As Admin Alice, I want to add content to campaigns, so that Producer Pat can have automated posting from the campaigns that Pat has subscribed to
The admin Alice should be able to add posts in the campaign from Compose similar to Content Library.
Alice will be able to click “Create Campaigns” button to create a Campaigns folder under Campaigns Tab in Content Library.
From Compose Alice should be able to toggle - this is a Content Library and then select the Campaign folder to save the post.

As Admin Alice I should be able to Archive Campaigns that are not active.
Admin Alice should be able to Archive posts/libraries with the click of a button.
As Admin Alice I want to add posts from the Content Library folders or UpContent from collections to campaigns.
Admin Alice should be able to add/copy posts from the Content Library folders or UpContent or collections to Campaigns.
Are posts editable from a Campaign? If a post copied from a CL folder is edited from a campaign, should be edited in the Folder too?
Yes only by Admins with “Manage CL”
As Admin Alice I should be able to view/change the status of the Campaign
When Alice creates a Campaign it will by default be in “Draft” status, auto posting is disabled.
A Campaign can be made “Active” (enable auto posting) only when Date Range and at least 1 Social Network is added.
The status should be displayed on the Campaign folder.

What happens when a Campaign is active and you add a new SN? The newly added SN will get the posts scheduled from the day it was added till expiry date.
Should we make a difference between draft/active and automatic posting? Since active also means “allow producers to subscribe”.
As Admin Alice I should be able to view/edit Campaign Settings for each Campaign Folder
Admin Alice should be able to view/edit Campaign Settings:
Campaign Status - Draft/ Active
Date Range - start and expiry dates (optional)
Evergreen check box
Users/Roles to share with
Social Networks
As Admin Alice I want to set Campaign date range for each campaign in the Content Library.
The admin Alice should be able to add posts in the campaign which would be set up to auto post from start date until the expiry date.
Alice should be able to add start and expiry date in Campaign Settings.
If start date is not added it should be in “Draft” mode where it is not auto posting.
expiry date has to be added to the Campaign unless “Evergreen” checkbox is ticked.
When campaign reaches expiry date it should stop posting automatically and display status “Expired”.

As Admin Alice I want to be able to share “Active” campaigns with their users
Admin Alice should be able to share Active Campaigns with specific users or or groups of users (roles.)
Similar to Content Library all Active Campaigns will be available to all users but
Should ? Or should Campaigns be shared with users?
As Admin Alice I want to be able to subscribe the LO’s like Pat by adding selected Social Networks/Groups
Admin should have the ability to subscribe all users by selecting social networks or Social network groups under Campaign Settings when they have “Manage all Networks” permission. Campaign posts need to be validated for selected Social Networks.
Display requirements for each SN in Compose or recommend creating Campaigns named for specific Networks?
Example: TW - limited characters
IG - requires 1 media
personal LinkedIn - does not support video
@Martin Sacco
is this possible
As Admin Alice I want to be able to add a Tag for all the posts in the Campaign
Alice should be able to add Tags to Campaign setting so every post in the Campaign folder will inherit the same Tag.
As Admin Alice I want to be able to set the Frequency of posting
Ability for Admin Alice to set/edit the Frequency of posting:
Number of posts - default 1 post per day ?
Days - (M, T, W, T, F, S, S) - ability to select preferred days
Time range each day? - ( will account for users Timezone)

As Admin Alice I want to be able to set sequence of scheduling posts.
Ability for Admin to select the sequence of the posts in the Campaign by ordering the posts. If no ordering is done, posts should get scheduled by the sequence the post was added: 1st added post, 2nd added and so on.
As Admin Alice I want to be able to view all the campaigns on my Calendar
Admins should have the ability to view all campaigns on the Calendar. Clicking on a Campaign should display the posts in the Campaign.
Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 2.40.46 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 2.41.15 PM.png
Is this the same calendar from the Posts section or a new one?
As Admin Alice I want to be able have Reporting for the campaigns
Admin Alice should be able to run reports to track each Campaign performance metrics under Analytics. User should be able to select the campaign (group of posts) from the dropdown.

We can use “Tags” or similar to selecting social networks groups we should be able to select Campaigns
Admin Alice - allows user to subscribe to the campaigns of their choice
As Producer Pat I want to be able to view all shared “Active” campaigns
As Pat I should be able to view all the “Active” campaigns shared with me.
As Producer Pat I want to be able to able to subscribe to any active campaigns.
As Pat I should be able to view and subscribe to the “Active” campaigns shared with me.
Subscribe would mean adding their own SN’s.
When an advisor is subscribed to the campaign, they will receive an email notification that lets them know they are subscribed and provides a link to the campaign so they can review the details and unsubscribe if they choose.
All users should be able to opt-in mid campaign
Show what has already been posted
Post remaining content in campaign
As Producer Pat I want to be able to able to unsubscribe to any active campaigns.
Pat should be able to unsubscribe by removing their SNs and any further posting should be halted from that campaign.
As Producer Pat I want to be able to view all shared Evergreen campaigns
These would be “evergreen” campaigns that can be subscribed until an Admin deactivates the Campaign. When Admin shares evergreen campaigns, End-Users can subscribe at any time and the posts will post in the order they are present in the Campaign. Users can choose not to subscribe but use individual posts from the Evergreen Campaign.
all the posts from evergreen campaign will be scheduled once subscribed. Campaign - scheduled the post for limited time period. Evergreen Campaigns should we allow each user to enable their own auto posting and frequency?
As Producer Pat I want to be able to view the campaigns I have subscribed to on my calendar.
All users can view the campaigns they have subscribed to on their own calendar. Once subscribed all scheduled posts appear in calendar

As Producer Pat I should be able to remove/modify dates for certain posts scheduled to my SNs in a Campaign
Users should be able to delete scheduled posts from Campaign for their own social networks by deleting them under Posts → Scheduled Posts → delete button. Users should be able to changes dates for scheduled posts from Campaign for their own social networks by deleting them under Posts → Scheduled Posts → Edit → change date
Campaigns - group posts together that will go out, no one is choosing isolate those posts and planning on social networks
All users should have the ability to sort folders and posts in CL
Content Library - ability to sort by the most used posts
Content Library - ability to sort folders or move them around
As Admin Alice, I want to set dates to create Dynamic and Evergreen Campaigns
Dynamic Campaign – Series of posts with Preset Dates and Times
Admin Alice should be able to set an expiration date for these campaigns.
After expiry date automatically archive and remove access.
Hide campaign from users until date available
Evergreen Campaign – Cadence: 3-5 times per week, no more than two times per day
As Admin Alice I should be able to set up Evergreen Campaigns.
Evergreen Campaigns requires no expiry date selection but “Evergreen content” check box must be selected.
This Campaign will display “Evergreen” Label.
Active Evergreen Campaigns should be shared with users/roles.

@Meghana Hermes
I have a note from our meeting that we should not call these different names, just give them the options to choose specific dates or not to - but i don’t remember why. Seems like we will need to be able to identify which of the two types a campaign is
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In two campaigns without End Date, there is any difference in having the Evergreen checkbox enabled in one and disabled in the another?
(In Shared CLs for example, we allow not having end date, and we don’t have any Evergreen checkbox)
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Affected Personas

Link to Description
Admin Alice
Admin Alice is responsible for sourcing this content, usually. This JTBD just got so much easier.
Compliance Charlie
Not yet created. This is the compliance role user, who only accesses the platform to approve/deny posts that go through an approval group. And run reports.
Compliance Charlie is likely to have to review more content library posts since his marketing team will likely be using these more often now.
Producer Pat
Not yet created. This is the role of the loan officer or insurance agent. They have the ability to log in to the Social platform to build and publish posts on their own behalf, and optionally automatically route them through an approval group. Alternatively they have the ability to use content from within a content library without routing through an approval group.
Producer Pat has more options for content to pick from since it was so much easier for Admin Alice to supply Producer Pat with the content.
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Key Flows

Show some mocks/embeds of the experience. Link to any other documentation as necessary. In general, it’s helpful to organize these around certain user journeys / use cases. Show enough of a clickthrough where people can walk away with a reasonable understanding of how the product works.

User Flows


Open Issues & Key Decisions

Keep track of open issues / key decisions here. Sometimes, certain decisions are made that might feel controversial; document these here so people know that the discussions have happened and there’s strong awareness of the tradeoffs.
Validations of Posts in Campaigns ex TW has limited characters, IG posts need an image

What are we NOT doing?

Marketing Launch

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