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Team Events & Activities

We believe in the power of collaboration & teamwork. We're committed to build an ecosystem where our associates grow along with the growth of the organisation. We'll host a diverse range of events & activities to foster team strength.
Every event we host comes with its unique set of rules and agenda, all geared towards creating memorable experiences. Here, you will find everything you need to know about each event, ensuring you're fully prepared to make the most of the occasion.
List of Team Events & Activities
Roundtable Talks
Alternative Friday 4-5pm
Roundtable Talks
When it happens?
Alternative Friday 4-5pm
Half hour / Host
Over the past year, we've embraced a valuable lesson: “Knowledge is like money: to be of value, it must circulate, and in circulating, it will increase in value.” With this powerful insight in mind, we are thrilled to introduce the Roundtable Talks initiative — a initiative designed to ignite knowledge exchange, fuel personal development, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.

At Deliverable, we recognize that knowledge is a precious resource that grows when shared. The Roundtable Talks initiative is born out of this belief, aiming to harness the collective wisdom and experiences within Deliverable. We firmly believe that as knowledge circulates among us, its value multiplies, benefiting not only individuals but also the entire team.
Our goal is to create an environment where every employee feels inspired and empowered to contribute their unique insights. By engaging in these interactive sessions, we will foster a culture of continuous learning, personal growth, and professional development.
Let's celebrate our collective expertise, and seize this opportunity to uplift and inspire one another. Together, we can fuel the flames of knowledge, enhance our skills, and achieve new heights.
Rules are Simple as it can be:

Event Format: The sessions will be held at your desks, and the host will present the topic.
Event Schedule: The roundtable will take place every alternative Friday from 4-5pm (just before the Fun Friday activity)
Mandatory Participation: Participation & Attendance is mandatory for everyone.
Presentation Style: You have the flexibility to choose how you want to present. You can use PowerPoint, screen-sharing, or speak directly from the heart.
Topic Selection: The topic is entirely up to you. It can be based on personal experiences, tutorials, implementation successes, or helpful tips and tricks.
Host Selection: Every Friday, two new hosts will be randomly chosen by the current hosts using chits. Chits will be created by HR Department.
Presentation Duration: Each host will have a half-hour time slot to present their topic.
Most Important: You’ll be recorded & the best hosts will be uploaded on social media channels. Better to be prepared for showcasing your knowledge! :p

Suggestions are open on direct messages.
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