Policies & Programs

Laptop Usage Policy


This document should remain in-sync with the below Google Document & every employee should be informed through Slack (Channel: #deliverable-updates) & Mail in-case.

Employees who use company-provided laptops are responsible for the security of those laptops whether they are used at the workplace, at home, or in any other location such as a hotel, conference room, or while traveling. This Policy contains certain guidelines and restrictions on the usage of the laptop that are required to be strictly adhered to by all employees while using these laptops.

#Intended Use of Laptops

Employees must guarantee that the laptop is only used for official purposes and in the proper fulfillment of their responsibilities, not for generating, transmitting, or corresponding with any content that is in violation of company policies. If an employee uses a Personal / Client laptop for corporate work, the company has every right to check, secure, and scan your laptop to guarantee you are not causing any harm to the company.

#Laptop Security Controls

Each employee issued with a laptop shall be responsible for the security of that laptop, regardless of whether the laptop is used in the office, at the employee’s place of residence, or in any other location such as a hotel, conference room, metro, car or airport.

#Physical Security and Theft Protection

Employees are responsible for the physical protection of computers provided by the company. As a result, he or she must take all possible precautions, be sensible and stay alert to the risks. Carry and store the laptop in a padded bag or strong briefcase to reduce the chance of accidental damage.
Employees are not permitted to take the laptop to any external agency or vendor for repair at any point of time.
In case of any failure, employees are required to report the same to the management. In case of loss of the laptop- be it on, or off Company premises, due to negligence of the employee, the Company may recover the cost of the laptop from the employee. It is the Company’s reserves the right to impose further penalties on account of loss of sensitive Company information.
Company maintains the right to conduct inspections of any computer equipment, including the laptops it owns or manages without prior notice to the Employee who is at the time the user or custodian of such computer equipment. Employees will submit the laptop for a random audit by the Company in order to check the physical presence as well as the functional usability of the asset. Physical Security and Theft Protection
In case of leaving the employment or being terminated for any reason, the employee will hand over the asset to Company in good condition failing which Company is authorized to charge penalty against the employee.

#Data Security Controls

Employees are expected to ensure the security of the data within their laptops. In this regard you are to adhere to the following:
You are personally accountable for all network and systems access under your user ID, so keep your password absolutely secret.
Never share it with anyone, not even members of your family, friends, or IT staff. Corporate laptops are provided for official use for authorized employees.
Do not loan your laptop or allow others to use your laptop, such as relatives and friends.
Virus Protection: Email attachments are now the number one source of computer viruses. Avoid opening any email attachment unless you were expecting to receive it from that person.
Always virus-scan any files downloaded to your computer from any source (CD/DVD, USB hard disks and memory sticks, network files, email attachments or files from the Internet). Virus scans normally happen automatically if your virus definitions are up to date, but you can also initiate manual scans if you wish to be certain. Report any security incidents (such as virus infections) promptly to the IT Help in order to minimize the damage Respond immediately to any virus warning message on your computer, or if you suspect a virus (e.g. by unusual file activity) by contacting the IT Help. Do not forward any files or upload data onto the network if you suspect your PC might be infected

#Data Backups:

Create a root folder under your name. All your work should be saved in that.
Create a separate folder under the root folder for each different project, client combination and within that you can further organize with separate sub folders for code, documents or other different logical files. Backup your important files, code etc on your google drive account linked to your official email only. Follow the same folder structure as on your local system. This is to ensure you don't lose information in case your hard drive crashes. Remember, if the laptop is stolen, lost or damaged, or if it simply malfunctions, it may be impossible to retrieve any of the data from the laptop. Saving the data on Google Drive will save you a lot of heartache and extra work.

#Use Of Unauthorized Software / Content

Employees are required to ensure that they do not download, install or use unauthorized software programs. The employee shall not install any unauthorized accessories/software like messengers, chatting software or any malicious software, which may cause problems to the functioning of the Laptop and strictly adhere to Company’s software.

#Consequences Of Breach

Any action of the employee that is inconsistent with this Policy shall be treated as serious professional misconduct on the part of the employee, and the employee concerned shall be subject to any disciplinary proceeding, or action, by the Company.
Employees are further advised that in the event any such employee fails to adhere to the requirements of laptop usage and restrictions on usage of Confidential Information, he or she shall be subject to any penal liability under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (the “Act”), including but not limited to Section 43 of the Act.
The Company shall bear expenses for laptop maintenance and repairs arising out of the normal wear and tear However, in the event of any damage to the laptop arising out of the negligence, misuse or abuse of the laptop by the employee, the employee shall be solely liable to make the payment for all the expenses arising therefrom. The Company shall have the right to reclaim such expenses and deduct the same from your monthly salary.

#General Authorized Softwares

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