Policies & Programs

Code of Conduct


This document should remain in-sync with the below Google Document & every employee should be informed through Slack (Channel: #deliverable-updates) & Mail in-case.


To maintain efficient cooperation and the high quality of service which will ensure continued growth of the company, the employees are expected to conform to certain code of ethics / conducts.


All employees of Deliverable IT are covered under the scope of this policy.


Every employee of the Company shall adhere to respective shift timing allotted. All employees shall report 5 minutes prior to commencement of their allotted shift timing. 2 late comings up to 15 minutes from commencement time shall be allowed in a month, beyond which every late coming shall be marked as half day leave & can be adjusted against available Casual leave or if no casual leave is available shall be treated as half day without pay.
Honesty, integrity and fairness in dealing with customers as well as with peers, superiors and subordinates.
Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs are strictly prohibited in the office premises. Any employee found inebriated will be terminated immediately.
Do not solicit, accept or offer gifts, gratuities, cash, discounts, commission or other benefits during the employment, which may influence the opinion / judgment in performing the duties.
Do not accept employment in any other company / firm / organization during the course of employment in the company.
Do not use or disclose company’s confidential / important information / documents to anybody outside the company either through participation in professional or civic organizations or otherwise.
Respect for the feelings and rights of others.
Assurance to be given to all; that any action or conduct of the employee might not harm other employees of the company.
There should not be a violation of the company's rules and regulations.
Follow the instructions and perform the assigned work in a timely manner.
Use of abusive language or displaying public disrespect with the other employees / customers within the company’s premises or while on duty will not be tolerated.
Making any false or malicious statement against the company or any employee will be considered as misconduct and will be initiated with disciplinary action.
No destruction / damage to the company’s property / facility / assets / etc. If any employee found guilty in destructing Deliverable IT any asset willingly, an amount equivalent to the damage or loss will be deducted from his / her salary & disciplinary warning will be issued through email. If such type of act repeated more than two times by an employee he / she may be terminated with immediate effect without giving any notice.
Restrict use of facilities like making long distance calls / e-mailing facility /internet /etc. for personal purposes.
No engagement in some fraudulent activities / theft.
Making workplace / office premises drug / alcohol / smoke / tobacco free.
Maintenance of professional appearance either outside or in the office as it represents the image of the company.
Maintenance of personal hygiene / grooming / courteous behavior.
Keeping the workplace neat and clean.
Maintenance of good attendance level as it is required for achieving total job performance.
Recognize and avoid all situations which involve conflict of interest between the employee’s personal interest and the interests of the company.


Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including Termination of employment.
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