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Edit data

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If you do not want to use the CRANE tool defaults and would like to customize your data, you can edit the data by changing specific values or completely replacing the data with your own values.
If you modify the data, don’t forget to accordingly.
On this page, you will find:

Modify the data

If you would like to modify the existing values you can delete the data point by point by clicking the “X” next to the value you wish to delete. You can repeat this for multiple values that you want to modify.
You can then re-enter the the year and value for the data point you wish to modify by entering the year and the new value.
The deleted data point will be replaced with a new data point and you can choose to change the interpolation method. This will not be effective for a singular change, but if you modify multiple data points you may wish to change this.
Once you have modified the data, don’t forget to and rename the data to reflect your new data sources.

Replace data

If you would like to use your own data and replace all the existing values, you can click “Clear all” to remove all of the values from the table.
The values will then disappear from the table.
You can then copy and paste data from a table in excel, by selecting the data you want to insert and clicking CRTL+C.
Then go back to the CRANE tool and click in the year box and click CRTL+V.
Once you have copied and pasted the values into the table, all the values will show up at once and the graph on the right will reflect the new values. Depending on the type of data you can change the interpolation method to create the graph you would like to see.
You can also choose to only insert a few data points and let the interpolation method fill in the rest of the data for you. You can then hover over the values to look for the values that you have input and the interpolated values.
Once you have modified the data, don’t forget to and rename the data to reflect your new data sources.

Undo changes

To undo changes, click on the button next to the plus. This will reset all the values back to the CRANE tool default values. Be sure to remember to save your data elsewhere as the data you have previously changed manually will not be saved.

Download data

After modifying the data, you can choose to download the data by clicking the three lines on the top right of the graph.
This will open the menu for you to choose between downloading the data as a .svg or .png which will download the graph, or as a .csv which will download the numerical values that can be exported into excel.


Can I only copy from excel or can I use other tables such as google sheets?
As long as your table has two columns and valid years you should be able to copy and past your data into the table in the CRANE tool.
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Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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