
Appeal Process - The process that may be engaged if a Participating Member is Fired from their Perspective Lens. This process includes all four members of that relevant Support Structure.
AWOL - If a Participating Member chooses to stop participating and goes out of communication.
Birthing Process - The transitioning process from a Prospective Sub-Sphere to a Sub-Sphere.
Black and White Perspectives - A Sphere’s Black Perspective nurtures the Vision of the Sphere itself, and holds all Perspectives until a Sphere is legally anchored. A Sphere’s White Perspective stewards the Sphere’s Vision through visionary activities.
Constitution - This Constitution, which defines the rules and processes for the governance and operations of an Organism.
Contact Lens - the document that gives a Contact, being any external party whose expertise is requested by the Sphere in accordance with the Contact Lens, the ability to engage the Sphere with their Perspective.
Core Values - The fundamental beliefs of the Organism, determined by the Primary Participating Members during the Legal Anchoring Process.
Duties – The ongoing duties that the Participating Member will enact on behalf of the Sphere, in alignment with the Sphere’s Vision.
Expansion Thresholds - Gaps between the current stewardship and the perception of the ideal potential stewardship of a Lens.
Firing - The process through which a Participating Member is relieved of their 41 Perspective Lens duties initiated by one of the 3 Supporting Members in their Support Structure. If they feel the firing has been unwarranted they can pursue the Appeal Process as described in Section 2.6.2.
First Action - The individual with the Vision can take First Action to initiate a Sphere or Sub-Sphere. The First Action consists of writing a brief statement about the Vision of the Sphere or Sub-Sphere and inviting Primary Members for support.
Governance Meeting - A meeting specifically held for engaging in the Governance Process.
Governance Process - Is the process by which a Sphere has the authority to make changes to the Sphere’s Governance.
Guide - An ephemeral Perspective that facilitates meetings.
Guidelines – Suggested process mechanisms used throughout the Organism
Individual Action - The ability for a Participating Member to act outside of the authority of a Perspective Lens, not excluding breaking the rules of the Constitution if deemed necessary by the Participating Member initiating an Individual Action. An Individual Action is subject to the rules outlined in Section 2.3.3.
Mastermind App - The technology/software application used to rate and visually communicate the contribution of Participating Members (and Contacts, where relevant) over time.
Non-Participating Member - any autonomous individual with ownership in a specific Sphere or Sub-Sphere that does not participate through a PL in the Sphere or Sub-Sphere.
Organism - The Sphere is viewed as a living Organism rather than a mechanistic organization. The Organism is an emergent that arises from the collective invested attention that occurs amongst the participants in the Sphere. After the completion of the Legal Anchoring process, the Sphere is lawfully anchored as an Organism.
Participating Members - Participating Members are the individuals who consistently participate within a Sphere through one or more of its defined Perspective Lenses. 42 Each Participating Member is assumed to possess a unique Perspective that they bring to the group.
Participating Member Trial Period – For a period of 9 months during the “Participating Member Trial Period,” the New Participating Members lend their Perspectives to the Vision and Core Values of the Sphere to determine if they are in alignment with the existing Participating Members. They will also participate with the Sphere, as any other Participating Member would, by either shining their Perspectives through the anticipated PLs identified at 1.2.1(b) or by modifying the anticipated PLs to more accurately reflect their unique Perspectives.
Perspective - Each Participating Member is seen to hold their own unique Perspective. Perspective Lens - Perspective Lenses (PLs) serve as a self-generated, transparent Organismal constructs which includes the following:
(a) a “Vision,” which outlines the grand vision or overarching purpose of the Perspective Lens that the Participating Member will pursue or express on behalf of the Organism, in alignment with the Organism’s Vision.
(b) one or more “Territories,” which outline the Territory or area being overseen by the Participating Member through the vantage point of this Perspective Lens, on behalf of the Organism;
(c) one or more “Duties,” which outline the ongoing activities that the Participating Member will enact through this Perspective Lens, on behalf of the Organism.
Primary Perspectives - These Perspectives evolve from the Black Perspective as the Sphere or Sub-Sphere develops, and are occupied by the initial Primary Participating Members the Black Perspective attracts.
Primary Perspectives Lenses - The first lenses that cover the fundamental functions that are necessary for the creation and initiation of the Sphere such as financial, operational, legal, relational etc.
Primary Participating Members - To initiate the lawful formation of a Sphere the Primary Participating Members must decide to begin the “Legal Anchoring” process. 43
Prism - An outgoing communication or Perspective representing the whole of the Sphere.
Prism Guidelines – Suggested ways to give the Prism holder the ability to represent the Perspective of the whole Sphere in communication with any other type of Sphere or external entity.
Ratifiers - The Ratifiers are the individuals adopting these rules as the formal authority structure for the Organism specified upon the Constitution’s adoption, which may be an entire organization or a part of one that the Ratifiers have authority to govern and run.
Record - The location where all documents and notes are stored; including all meeting notes, all Governance updates, all invoices, financials, investment documents, tax documents, all contracts and agreements, templates, proprietary software, IP documentation, Apps, PLs and CLs, and all amendments, all Guidelines of the Sphere, and any and all other legal, financial or proprietary notes, documents and agreements of the Sphere and any of its Sub-Spheres.
Scribe - An ephemeral Perspective that records the process within the relevant Meetings and who records all relevant notes.
Sphere – A Sphere (also referred to as “Super-Sphere” or “Sub-Sphere”) is the emergent container within which the structure of the Organism is formed. Spheres are emergent when a new Organism is formed or when a Perspective Lens expands to the point where it may define its own contained Perspective Lenses. The Sphere is understood to be an autonomous Organism composed of autonomous individuals consistently participating through explicitly defined Perspective Lenses in service of the Organism’s Vision, to steward its Territory, and enact its Duties.
Sphere Participant - Anyone who takes part in the governance and operations of the Organism is considered a “Sphere Participant”; including
(a) each Participating Member acting through a Perspective Lens in the Sphere; and
(b) each Contact Lens originating from another Sphere or from outside of the Sphere. Sphere Guidelines – Suggestions for financial, legal, strategic and operational principles and courses of action that are adopted by the Sphere to help guide the 44 Governance Process.
Sphere Policies - determine the agreed upon rules of engagement for the Sphere with respect to particular functions including, but not limited to, any Prism Policies, Contact Lens Policies, Financial Policies, Governance Policies or Meeting and Minutes Policies which can be created or updated at any time by the “Governance Process”;
Sub-Sphere - A Sub-Sphere is the emergent Organismal structure that is created when a Perspective Lens expands to the point where it is broken into multiple Perspective Lenses, or when a new Organism and its associated Perspective Lenses are created, via its Governance Process.
Super-Sphere - When created, the new Sphere becomes the Sub-Sphere, while the original Sphere becomes the “Super-Sphere.”
Support Members - These Members make up each relevant Sphere Participant’s Support Structure, which includes the Emotional Support Partner (who is responsible for emotional and relational support), the Accountability Partner (who is the person the Sphere Participant checks in with about specific actions) and the Stretch Partner (who is responsible for supporting the Sphere Participant to stretch to meet their PL’s or CL’s Vision).
Support Structure - The Sphere’s 4-pointed structure that links a Participating Member or Contact to 3 others in the sphere, each offering a specific support function: ER support, accountability, and guidance.
Temporary Lenses - Perspectives which are enacted for the duration of meetings only (i.e., the Guide and Scribe).
Visionary - the Sphere’s initiating individual who the “Vision” is carried by and who initially holds the Black Perspective Lens. Once the Sphere is legally anchored the Visionary then moves to holding the White Perspective Lens. The Visionary does not ordinarily get a Vote in the Sphere, unless to break a tie in the Voting Process.
Voting Process - The mechanism by which certain decisions are made in the Sphere as more fully defined in Section 2.4.
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