Article VI: Fractaling

6.1 Prospective Sub-Spheres

A Sphere can seed a “Prospective Sub-Sphere” under any of the following circumstances:
(a) A Participating Member in a Sphere has a new Vision, takes First Action, and becomes the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of a Prospective Sub-Sphere where they either:
(i) attract Primary Participating Members to support their Vision; or
(ii) engage Contacts to support their Vision.
(b) A Participating Member’s PL expands to a point where it can be broken down into multiple PLs. The Participating Member then becomes the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere and they either:
(i) attract Primary Participating Members to support their Vision; or
(ii) engage Contacts to support their Vision.
(c) All Participating Members of a Sphere collectively hold a Vision and become Participating Members in a Prospective Sub-Sphere. The Visionary holding the White Perspective of the Sphere will become the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere by default, unless otherwise determined by the Voting Process. The Participating Members either:
(i) act as Primary Participating Members to support the Vision; or
(ii) engage Contacts to support the Vision.
(d) All Participating Members of a Sphere decide to replicate the Sphere to further spread the Vision. The Visionary holding the White Perspective of the Sphere will become the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere by default, unless otherwise determined by the Voting Process. The Participating Members 33 either:
(i) attract Primary Participating Members to support the Vision;
(ii) engage Contacts to support the Vision; or
(iii) franchise the Sphere and its constituent elements to an external buyer in accordance with any relevant Sphere Policy
When a Sphere seeds a Prospective Sub-Sphere, it becomes the “Super-Sphere” of the Prospective Sub-Sphere, and the Super-Sphere will act as a Participating Member in the Prospective Sub-Sphere through a Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere.

6.2 Initial Formation of a Sub-Sphere

For a Prospective Sub-Sphere to begin the process of becoming a “Sub-Sphere,” its Vision has to be cultivated to a level of clarity where it warrants attracting or hiring support. At that stage, the Participating Member acting as the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere can take First Action to initiate the process. At this time the Visionary becomes the Prism Holder for the original Sphere, in the Prospective Sub-Sphere.
First Action consists of writing a brief statement about the Vision of the Prospective Sub-Sphere.
Following First Action, the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere will either:
(a) attract Primary Participating Members to support their Vision; or
(b) engage Contacts to support their Vision.
6.2.1 Sub-Sphere of Prospective Members
In the case of the Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere attracting Primary Participating Members to support their Vision, the Primary Participating Members will offer their Primary Perspectives and explore, draw out, and cultivate the Vision held by the Visionary through dialogue and reading any documentation gathered or created by the Visionary. 34 The initial phase of Sub-Sphere Formation is to serve as relationship building between the Visionary and all Primary Participating Members while strengthening their connection to a set of Core Values and the Vision.
While the Prospective Sub-Sphere is forming, the Primary Participating Members begin to ideate around their Primary PLs, any anticipated PLs or CLs, and begin the “Birthing Process” through Legal Anchoring (see Section below).
The Birthing Process is complete when a Prospective Sub-Sphere transitions into a “Sub-Sphere” once it is Legally Anchored. At that point, the Sphere from which it was birthed becomes the “Super-Sphere” of the Sub-Sphere. The Super-Sphere will act as a Participating Member in the Sub-Sphere through a Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere.
Once Birthed, the Primary PLs will form the initial internal structure of the Sub-Sphere. Birthing Process through Legal Anchoring
To initiate the Birthing Process of a Prospective Sub-Sphere, the Primary Participating Members must decide to begin the Legal Anchoring process and invite the Visionary. All Participating Members of the Super-Sphere, must be notified in writing by the Visionary before its finalization and signing. The Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere acting as a Participating Member in the Sub-Sphere will be invited to take part in the Legal Anchoring Process where relevant, and be included in the signing of all documents.
The Legal Anchoring process involves:
(a) defining the Vision of the Prospective Sub-Sphere, the Core Values, and the Primary PLs that encompass the Prospective Sub-Sphere’s early operation, including their Visions, Territories and Duties, in alignment with the Super-Sphere;
(b) defining a list of any other anticipated PLs and CLs, where relevant, that would support the Prospective Sub-Sphere;
(c) forming any Sub-Sphere Policies and Guidelines; 35 (d) drafting and signing the Operating Agreement for the Sub-Sphere;
(e) incorporating the Sub-Sphere as a legal entity; and
(f) adopting and ratifying the Super-Sphere’s Constitution; and
(g) utilizing legal counsel to Legally Anchor the Sphere through any additional necessary legal documentation.
After the completion of this Legal Anchoring process, the Prospective Sub-Sphere is Legally Anchored and defined as a Sub-Sphere.
At this stage the Visionary and the Primary Participating Members all become Participating Members in the Sub-Sphere.
In now having dispersed the entire spectrum of Perspectives within the Sub-Sphere, the Visionary moves from holding the Black Perspective to holding the White Perspective and defines the White PL.
6.2.2 Sub-Sphere of Contacts
In the case of a Visionary holding the Black Perspective of the Prospective Sub-Sphere who intends to engage only Contacts to support their Vision, the Visionary will be responsible for the Birthing Process through Legal Anchoring (as outlined in Section above), including creating all of the necessary CLs in order to disperse their Black Perspective to the Contacts. The Super-Sphere will act as a Participating Member in the Sub-Sphere through a Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere. Birthing Process of a Sub-Sphere of Contacts
As the Visionary is not drawing in Primary Participating Members, the Visionary is solely responsible for the “Birthing Process” of the Sub-Sphere through Legal Anchoring (see Section above). In now having dispersed the entire spectrum of Perspectives within the Sub-Sphere, the Visionary moves from holding the Black Perspective to 36 holding the White Perspective and defines the White PL.
The White PL and the CLs will form the initial internal structure of the Sub-Sphere.
6.2.3 Maturation Process
When a Sub-Sphere is Sustainable (in accordance with the terms of the Sub-Sphere’s Financial Policy), either the Super-Sphere or the Sub-Sphere can initiate the “Maturation Process” to mature the Sub-Sphere by inviting one or more Contact(s) operating within the Sub-Sphere to become Prospective Participating Members of the Sub-Sphere.
The Maturation Process is initiated when any Participating Member of the Super-Sphere or Sub-Sphere, or a Contact within the Sub-Sphere calls for a Vote of the Participating Members to decide whether to proceed with the Maturation Process.
If the Vote is taken to proceed with the Maturation Process, the Participating Members will formally invite the selected Contact(s), in writing, to become Prospective Participating Members of the Sub-Sphere. If the Contact(s) accept the invitation and choose to commence the Maturation Process, the Participating Members will arrange to get the Sub-Sphere independently valued and create the “Maturation Agreement”; a legal document that sets out the terms upon which the Contacts would accrue equity and, ultimately, acquire part ownership of the Sub-Sphere.
Upon valuation and signing of the Maturation Agreement, the Participating Members will place an appropriate of the equity of the Sub-Sphere in reserve for the Prospective Participating Members in the Sub-Sphere, unless otherwise specified in the Maturation Agreement. The Prospective Participating Members will then accrue the equity that is being held in reserve, through the Dynamic Equity Policy, as set out in the Sphere Financial Policy. Upon accruing all of the equity being held in reserve, subject to the completion of the Maturation Process as outlined in the Maturation Agreement, the Contacts will acquire part ownership in the Sub-Sphere along with the Super-Sphere acting as a Participating Member through a Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere.
The following must take place before the Maturation Process is complete and ownership of the equity transfers to the Participating Members:
(a) refining the Vision and Core Values of the Sphere;
(b) defining a list of any other anticipated PLs or CLs , where relevant, that would support the Sphere;
(c) forming any Sub-Sphere Policies;
(d) signing the Operating Agreement for the Sub-Sphere; (e) changing the names registered as owners of the legal entity;
(f) adopting and ratifying the Sub-Sphere’s Constitution; and
(g) utilizing legal counsel to Legally Anchor the Sub-Sphere through any additional necessary legal documentation.
At this time the Prospective Participating Members will become Participating Members and all of the equity in the Sub-Sphere will have been distributed accordingly amongst all the new Participating Members and the Super-Sphere now acting as a Participating Member, through a Prism Holder from the Super-Sphere, in accordance with the Maturation Agreement.
The acting Visionary will remain in the Visionary role, holding the White Perspective, unless otherwise decided by majority Vote.
6.2.4 Modifying Sub-Spheres
Sub-Spheres are autonomous within the constraints of the context held by its Super-Sphere. In the initial formation of the Sub-Sphere, the Vision, Territories and Duties of the Sub-Sphere must operate in alignment with the Super-Sphere, and the Sub-Sphere will be limited by the Super-Sphere’s Constitution unless or until they amend or repeal it. If the Super-Sphere has a Participating Member in the Sub-Sphere it may modify anything at any time in accordance with this Constitution.
6.2.5 Dissolving Sub-Spheres
A Sub-Sphere may choose to dissolve itself. Dissolution of the Sub-Sphere happens at its own discretion; no Super-Sphere or other entity has the authority 38 to dissolve any Sub-Sphere.
Dissolution of a Sub-Sphere can be done through the Sub-Sphere’s Governance Process by:
(a) dissolving the Sub-Sphere and everything within it entirely; or
(b) collapsing the Sub-Sphere back into the Super-Sphere.
The Prism Holder of the Super-Sphere would then call a Governance Meeting in the Super-Sphere for any necessary PL redistribution due to Sub-Sphere dissolution.
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