Article II: Perspective Lenses

Each Participating Member is responsible for explicitly defining and refining their PL(s) to include the following:
(a) Its “Vision,” which outlines the overarching purpose of the PL that the Participating Member will steward on behalf of the Sphere, in alignment with the Sphere’s Vision;
(b) Its “Territories,” which outlines the areas being overseen by the Participating Member on behalf of the Sphere, in alignment with the Sphere’s Vision; and
(c) Its “Duties,” which outline the ongoing duties that the Participating Member will enact on behalf of the Sphere, in alignment with the Sphere’s Vision.

2.1 Perspective Lens

Responsibilities Participating Members of a Sphere are responsible for continually updating and refining their PLs and sharing any relevant and material changes to their PLs with other Participating Members in a timely fashion.
2.1.1 Addressing Expansion Thresholds
Participating Members are responsible for identifying and addressing any “Expansion Thresholds” that exist for them. An Expansion Threshold is implicit when a gap is perceived between a Participating Member’s current stewardship of their PL and the Vision they hold for their PL. The Expansion Threshold is the threshold they reach that limits their expansion towards their PL’s Vision.
A Participating Member may choose to address an Expansion Threshold through the “Advice Process” (as defined at Section 2.3.2 below), their “Support Structure” (as defined at Section 5.1.1 below) or through a “Sweat Lodge Meeting” (as defined at Section 5.4.1 below). If they are unable to resolve the Expansion Threshold in any of these manners, they may call a “Governance Meeting” (as defined at Section 4.2 below) to address it.
All Participating Members are empowered to bring awareness to an Expansion Threshold that they perceive, even when it falls outside the Territory of their PL, at any time. They have the ability to speak to it through the Advice Process, their Support Structure and/or a Sweat Lodge Meeting to support its resolution. If this creates an “Emotional / Relational Threshold” for either the Participating Member bringing awareness to the Expansion Threshold or for the Participating Member that the Expansion Threshold directly affects, the affected person is responsible for addressing it (as outlined in Section 2.1.2 below).
2.1.2 Addressing Emotional / Relational Thresholds
Participating Members are responsible for identifying any Emotional / Relational Thresholds that exist. An Emotional / Relational Threshold is implicit when a Participating Member’s emotional or relational experience is interfering with their ability to effectively participate in stewarding the Sphere’s Vision or the Vision of their PL.
Participating Members are responsible for addressing any Emotional / Relational Thresholds themselves, with the support of their Support Structure. If this does not resolve the Emotional / Relational Threshold, they are responsible for engaging the Advice Process with the Sphere Participant(s) the Emotional / Relational Threshold relates to in an attempt to resolve it.
If the Emotional / Relational Threshold still remains unresolved, the Participating Member is responsible for initiating an “Emotional / Relational Meeting” (“ER 6 Meeting”, as defined at Section 5.4.2 below) to address it with any Sphere Participant(s) the Emotional / Relational Threshold relates to, to be mediated by the Sweat Lodge Meeting Guide (as outlined in Section 5.4.2 below). If additional support is necessary, the Emotional / Relational Threshold can be raised in a Sweat Lodge Meeting (as outlined in Section 5.4.1 below).
All Participating Members are empowered to bring awareness to an Emotional / Relational Threshold that they perceive at any time. They have the ability to speak to it through their Support Structure, the Advice Process, and/or a Sweat Lodge Meeting to support its resolution. If this creates an Emotional / Relational Threshold for the Participating Member bringing awareness to the Threshold, or for the Participating Member that the Emotional / Relational Threshold directly affects, the affected person is responsible for addressing it as outlined in this Section.
2.1.3 Directing Resources
Spheres will be transparent about their resources amongst the Participating Members and any Participating Member may utilize available resources for any purpose at any time, through the Advice Process (outlined in Section 2.3.2 below).

2.2 Updating and Dividing Perspective Lenses

All PLs or relevant PL Policies and Guidelines may be updated and refined and any relevant and material changes shared with other Participating Members in a timely fashion. If a Participating Member is reaching capacity and feels they cannot fulfill the responsibilities of their PL, this qualifies as reaching an Expansion Threshold, to be addressed (as outlined in Section 2.1.1 above). The Participating Member can also propose a division of the PL that may result in inviting in a new Prospective Member, hiring a “Contact” through a “Contact Lens” (as defined in Section 3.1 below), or taking First Action to initiate the formation of a “Sub-Sphere” (as defined in Article VI below).
2.2.1 Multiple Perspective Lenses
A Participating Member can define, hold and shine their Perspective through more than one PL at any one time. If a Participating Member elects to create a 7 new PL for themselves, it may be defined and shared in a Governance Meeting.

2.3 Authority to Act

Participating Members have the authority to make any decision and execute any actions at any time that they reasonably believe are useful for stewarding their PL’s Vision, overseeing their PL’s Territories, and enacting their PL’s Duties. Participating Members also have authority to act outside of the Territory of their PL, with respect to anything that has the purpose or effect of moving the Sphere’s Vision forward. Contacts have the authority to make any decision and execute any actions at any time that they reasonably believe are useful for stewarding their CLs.
If the decision or action is likely to impact another Sphere Participant, or if another Sphere Participant’s expertise is relevant, then (a) it is recommended that Participating Members follow the Advice Process (as set forth in Section 2.3.2 below); and (b) it is required that Contacts follow the Advice Process. However, if an Action will cause “Material Impact” (as defined in Section 2.3.1 below) within a Territory overseen by another Participating Member, another Sphere Participant, or another Sphere or Sub-Sphere, the Advice Process must be followed.
2.3.1 Material Impact
Material Impact is defined as the impact of any choice that threatens the realization of the Sphere’s Vision or the realization of a PL’s Vision, obscures its Territories, or interferes with the execution of its Duties. Sphere Participants are to exercise reasonable discernment to assess whether Material Impact is going to be created by their decision or action. Any Participating Member whose PL is materially impacted by another Participating Member may either respond on a case-by-case basis or may also define “PL Guidelines” for their PL.
PL Policies and Guidelines can grant authority to allow others to materially impact their PL without enacting the Advice Process. Before a PL Policy or 8 Guideline is valid, the Participating Member must first publish it in the “Record” (as defined in Section 2.7 below) so it is available for all Sphere Participants to see.
2.3.2 Advice Process
To follow the Advice Process, the Sphere Participant proposing a decision or action, or requesting expertise, initiates an informal conversation with any relevant Sphere Participant(s) to share their proposal, request, perspective, logic and/or question. The affected Sphere Participant(s) may then lend insight and any relevant expertise. If the affected Sphere Participant(s) believes the decision or action will create an Expansion Threshold if the proposing Sphere Participant were to move forward with the decision or action, this may be discussed and, if possible, a solution found which achieves the proposing Sphere Participant’s goal while addressing any Expansion Thresholds that have been raised in the conversation.
If the Advice Process is followed and agreement cannot be reached between the Sphere Participants about the proposed course of action, the proposing Sphere Participant may abandon the decision / action or still take the decision / action (without any further process). However, if the Advice Process was required because of an action that causes Material Impact, the proposing Sphere Participant may choose to abandon the decision / action. Participating Member(s) only may still choose to go forward with it, and this action would become an “Individual Action” (as defined at Section 2.3.3 below).
If a Participating Member proceeds with an Individual Action, and it creates an Expansion Threshold for the affected party, the affected party may then follow Section 2.1.1 above. Contacts cannot take Individual Action, but can raise any concerns arising from the Advice Process with their “Prism” (as defined at Section 3.1 below) if need be.
2.3.3 Individual Action
Participating Members are authorized to act even if:
(a) it causes Material Impact where they could not come to an agreement with an affected Sphere Participant through the Advice Process; or
(b) when there is not sufficient time to enact the Advice Process, or to propose a Governance change to allow the Individual Action to proceed; or
(c) it breaks the rules of this Constitution. This is known as taking Individual Action. Participating Members may take Individual Action so long as the Participating Member is acting in good faith to serve the Vision of the Sphere. No Individual Action is to take place while “The Ratchet Process” is in effect (as set forth in Section 5.5 below). Addressing Expansion and Emotional / Relational Thresholds from Individual Action
Upon taking Individual Action, the Participating Member has a responsibility to explain their Individual Action and the reasoning behind it to any Participating Member who is materially impacted.
If the Individual Action creates an Expansion Threshold for the Participating Member who took the Individual Action, or for any other Participating Member, which cannot be resolved through the Advice Process, a Support Structure, or Sweat Lodge the person with the Expansion Threshold may call a Governance Meeting to address it.
The Participating Member taking the Individual Action has a responsibility to attend that Governance Meeting and take any reasonable actions to assist in addressing any Expansion Thresholds created by their Individual Action.
Any Emotional / Relational Thresholds arising from the Individual Action may be dealt with as outlined in Section 2.1.2 above. After taking Individual Action, the Participating Member has a responsibility to prioritize the actions outlined in this Section.

2.4 Voting Process

Every Participating Member has the authority to initiate a “Voting Process” at any time, including for any decision which cannot be agreed upon, so long as it takes place during a Governance Meeting or 24 hours notice has been given to all Participating Members about the Vote. In the latter case, the “Vote” will take place via an agreed upon technological platform and the Participating Members will have 24 hours in which to place their Vote. If a Voting Process is initiated, a Vote will be decided by the Vote of the majority.
All Participating Members may cast a Vote in every Voting Process, with the exception of the Visionary holding the White Perspective. In the case of a tie, the Visionary holding the White Perspective makes the final Vote to create a majority Vote. Participating Members are encouraged to gather any relevant feedback from any Sphere Participants, informally, prior to the Vote, to create the most information-rich perspective, but only Participating Members may Vote.
Non-Participating Members do not have a Vote in the Voting Process except in the case of a proposed sale or dissolution of the Sphere. All Votes, and all results of all Votes, may be captured in the Record. In addition, if a Vote affects acting Governance then the Governance Scribe will update the Governance notes with the results of the Vote, and the logic behind it, in the Record.

2.5 Becoming a Non-Participating Member

At any time, a Participating Member may voluntarily choose to become “Non-Participating.” To voluntarily become Non-Participating a Participating Member must notify all Participating Members, in writing, that they wish to go Non-Participating, and call a Governance Meeting to “Fire” their Lens in accordance with Section 2.6.1 below. A Participating Member may also be voted Non-Participating by majority Vote of their Accountability Members through the “Lens Firing” process, as outlined in Section 2.6.2 below.
During the time that the Member is Non-Participating they will have no decision-making 11 power or Vote in the Sphere, with the exception of a Vote on a sale or dissolution of a whole Sphere. In the event of a Vote on a sale or dissolution of a Sphere, any Non-Participating Member(s) will be notified of the potential sale or dissolution (at least 14 days prior, at their last known address and via their last active method of communication) and be invited to participate in the Vote. The Vote on a sale or dissolution of the whole Sphere will only pass by consensus.
Non-Participating Members will also be notified of any impending Vote about any new Prospective Member, any proposed sale or buy-back of equity, and any proposed sale of any Sub-Sphere, but they will not be invited to Vote unless they choose to re-engage and become Participating.
If a Participating Member becomes Non-Participating, the protocol for pay and any changes in Dynamic Equity will be determined in accordance with the Dynamic Equity Policy in the Sphere’s Financial Policy.
2.5.1 Re-Engagement of a Non-Participating Member
At any time that a Non-Participating Member wishes to re-engage and become Participating, they must notify all Participating Members, in writing, through a “Statement of Re-Engagement” and attend the next Sweat Lodge Meeting (as set forth in Section 5.4.1 below). They must also call a Governance Meeting to define their new PL, determine their Support Structure and re-engage the Meritocratic Review Process. Any relevant protocol for pay and any changes in dynamic equity will be determined in accordance with the Sphere’s Financial Policy.
2.5.2 Dismissal
If a Participating Member chooses to stop participating and goes out of communication (i.e going “AWOL,”) it is the responsibility of one of their Support Members to Fire their Lens. At that time, the AWOL Participating Member’s PL will be enacted by their firing Support Member (in accordance with Section 5.1.1). The Support Member can then call for a Governance Meeting to redistribute any constituent elements of the PL that they so choose (in accordance with Section 2.6.2 below).
If the Participating Member whose Lens was Fired does not engage the “Appeal Process,” (as outlined in Section 2.6.2 below), and has no written communication with any of the remaining Participating Members, after 30 days they will be “Dismissed” as a Member of the Sphere and equity as defined by and dealt with in accordance with the Sphere's Financial Policy".
2.5.3 Exit of a Member on a Sale
If one Participating Member wishes to exit the Sphere, they will follow the process in Section 2.5 above to go Non-Participating and notify all Participating Members that they also wish to transfer their equity in the Sphere.
The Participating Member who wishes to exit calls a Governance Meeting to Fire their Lens. In that Governance Meeting they would offer to transfer their equity, either through a buy-back of the equity by the Sphere, a sale to one or more of the other Members, or a sale to a third party in accordance with the Sphere’s Financial Policy.
2.6 Perspective Lens Firing
2.6.1 Participating Member Fires Their Own Lens
If a Participating Member either chooses to become a Non-Participating Member or no longer wishes to shine their Perspective through a particular PL, they may resign from the responsibilities associated with the PL at any time by giving notice to every Participating Member who may be Materially Impacted. This is known as “Lens Firing”.
This process will take place in a Governance Meeting to be called by the resigning Participating Member, and entails ensuring that all of the constituent elements of that PL (including its Vision, Territory and Duties), anything material that is not otherwise listed in that PL, any open communication with other Sphere Participants or clients, and any other processes or information that are pertinent to effectively enact that PL are documented.
This occurs so that the PL can be handed off in its entirety to someone else to pick up and shine their Perspective through. Alternatively, the constituent elements of that PL can be redistributed among the Participating Members at that time.
2.6.2 Participating Member Fires Another Participating Member’s Lens
A Participating Member’s PL(s) may also be Fired by another Participating Member who acts as one of their “Support Members”, in accordance with the process set forth in Section 5.1.1 below.
In that case:
(a) The Participating Member whose PL was Fired will cease participation immediately for a period of 48 hours and the Support Member who Fired their PL will assume responsibility for their PL until the “Appeal Process,” outlined in this Section, has been completed;
(b) At the 48 hour mark, the Participating Member whose PL was Fired may:
(i) Choose to initiate an Appeal Process by reaching out to their other two Support Members to request an Appeal Meeting if they believe the Firing was unwarranted or if they would like to propose modifying their PL, defining a new PL, or initiating a new Sub-Sphere; or
(ii) Choose not to engage the Appeal Process and become a Non-Participating Member.
(c) If the Participating Member whose PL was Fired chooses to engage the Appeal Process, the following day (after the 48 hour mark) the three Support Members will hold an Appeal Meeting with the Participating Member whose PL was Fired to move towards a resolution that supports the Vision of the Sphere (as set forth in Section 5.4.3 below).
(d) In the 24 hours following the Appeal Meeting, with support from the other Participating Members through the Advice Process if or where relevant, the Support Members will determine if:
(i) They want that Participating Member’s Perspective to still shine through a PL. If so, the Support Members will decide by majority Vote, within 24 hours, whether the Participating Member:
A. is now able to reclaim their PL; 14
B. is now able to modify their PL;
C. is now able to define a new PL; or
D. can initiate First Action for a Sub-Sphere (as outlined in Section VI below);
(ii) They feel the Participating Member’s Perspective is no longer serving the Sphere and they hold a Vote (by majority of the Support Members) to decide whether that Participating Member is to become Non-Participating. If that Participating Member is voted Non-Participating (as opposed to voluntarily going Non-Participating) then they are always empowered to start a new Sphere by initiating First Action. However, they need to request a Vote of the Participating Members in order to be able to birth a Sub-Sphere.
(e) Once the Participating Member whose Lens has been Fired has been notified of the Support Members’ decision, in Section 2.6.2(d) they have 72 hours to share with their Support Members all of the constituent elements of that PL (including its Vision, Territory and Duties), anything material that is not otherwise listed in that PL, any open communication with other Sphere Participants or clients, and any other processes or information that are pertinent to effectively enact their PL.
(f) A Sweat Lodge will then be called by the Support Member who Fired the PL to address any relational repair within the Sphere from the Lens Firing process. And a Governance Meeting will be called by the Support Member who Fired the PL to redistribute any constituent elements of the PL, if applicable (as set forth in Section 2.6.3 below).
No Lens Firing is to take place while The Ratchet Process is in effect (as set forth in Section 5.5 below). Firing the Visionary’s Lens
The Visionary’s Lens can be Fired at any time through their Support Structure (as outlined in Section 5.1.1 below), unless a Ratchet Process is in effect. If the Visionary’s Support Members decide to Fire the Visionary’s Lens in such a way that it would remove the Visionary from their White Lens (as opposed to simply modifying it) either by (a) creating a new PL (in this case the Visionary would remain a Participating Member); or (b) by going Non-Participating, then a majority Vote of the Participating Members would be required to make this happen.
No Lens Firing is to take place while The Ratchet Process is in effect (as set forth in Section 5.5 below). Electing an Interim or New Visionary
In the event that a Visionary ceases participation as outlined in Section, or they choose to stop participating voluntarily, the most recent highest rated Participating Member according to the Meritocratic Review Process and the Mastermind App (as defined at Section 5.2 below) would default to becoming “Interim Visionary,” until someone else is elected as Visionary by majority Vote.
During this time the Interim Visionary would take on the full responsibility of the White PL. This protocol would also apply if the Visionary is uncontactable when a Ratchet is initiated. In this case, the Interim Visionary would return the White PL as soon as the Visionary becomes contactable.
2.6.3 Fired Perspective Lenses
If a PL is Fired and a Governance Meeting is called to redistribute any constituent elements of a PL either:
(a) The Participating Members may redistribute aspects of the fired PL amongst themselves; 16
(b) One Participating Member may take on the fired PL in its entirety;
(c) The Participating Members may invite one or more Prospective Members to shine their Perspective(s) through the fired PL; or
(d) The Participating Members may engage one or more Contacts to enact the PL through a Contact Lens (as defined in Section 3.1).

2.7 Temporary Lenses

Each meeting type may have two designated “Temporary Lenses,” which are held during those meeting types only. These Lenses are known as a “Guide” and a “Scribe.” The Guide will be responsible for scheduling meetings (unless otherwise specified), opening the meetings, facilitating all aspects of the meetings in accordance with Article IV and V below and closing the meetings.
The Scribe will take all relevant notes pertaining to the meetings and record them in the Sphere’s “Meetings and Minutes Record,” in the transparent “Record” which must be agreed upon by a majority Vote of the Participating Members and are available for all Participating Members to access at any time.
The Record may include folders or an equivalent record for: Legal Anchoring documentation for the Sphere, Books and Records for the Operating Agreement, the Vision, the Core Values, Sphere Policies and Guidelines, PLs, PL Policies and Guidelines, Contact Lenses (‘CLs’), CL Policies and Guidelines, Prism Policies and Guidelines, Constitution and any Amendments, Repeals, Interpretations, Meeting Notes, all Votes and results of Votes, all Meritocratic Ratings, contracts and invoices, template documents, any minutes relating to the creation of a Sub-Sphere and any Legal Anchoring documentation of any Sub-Spheres and any other relevant folders.
In addition, if a Vote affects acting Governance then the Governance Scribe will update the Governance notes with the results of the Vote, and the logic behind it, in the Record.
2.7.1 Assignment & Eligibility
All Participating Members are eligible to hold Temporary Lenses. Each Meeting type may have a designated Guide and Scribe (with the exception of the Sweat 17 Lodge Meeting and the Emotional / Relational Meeting which do not have a Scribe) to be volunteered for in the initial Governance Meeting, and amended through the Advice Process or any Governance Meeting thereafter. If the Participating Member with a designated Temporary Lens is absent during a meeting, the Temporary Lens may be volunteered for by another Participating Member.
In an Appeal Meeting, however, the Guide will be the Support Member of the Participating Member whose PL was fired, and the Scribe will be their Accountability Member (as outlined at Section 5.1.1).

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