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Consultation Services


Below you will find a selection of my work and accompanying insights organized by some of the key phases of regenerative development.

Visioning Phase

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In preparing to embark on building your dream project you may wonder about the best sequence of steps to go from vision all the way to the built form. You may find yourself wondering, I feel a calling to build this dream but what are the next steps? How do I co-create with my loved ones, my business partners, and my extended community?
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Starting a multi-year process, that is often the largest single investment in one’s life, brings up a lot of questions. There is always a perfect place to start and that is to fully understand what is driving your inspiration. We take time to look under the hood. Understanding the most fundamental driving desires to creating one’s dream regen project is frankly essential for success. I work with my clients to outline, with clarity, why they are most excited to create their project. This process always brings added potency to their vision weather that be a humble home, full eco-village or even as far out as a futurist city.
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Environmental Analysis

Do you desire to build with the land? Have you asked yourself how do I build my dream project that won’t cost a fortune to heat or cool, or avoids getting burned down, flooded, or blown over? Perhaps you have asked how do I understand my environment to build something smart and inline with my ecosystem?
Well, you absolutely can; it just takes a little know-how. I trained at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture and I consider myself part of Wright’s natural house lineage. I consider Wright as a grandfather to sustainable architecture and am thankful to have started training formally at the age of 12 in his pedagogy.
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A series of Earth Homes that wrap a larger fish farm for a prototype ecological community development
For each of my projects, we discover what is the special or sacred part of the building site. Then we design to preserve and enhance just that. Wright always pointed out that you should build on the most destroyed or undesirable part of your site. Through intelligent design we can build anything; and, thus, it is imperative that we preserve the most sacred parts of the land and celebrate it.
We conduct proper environmental analysis so you can best understand what is most important to build and where in order to be in right relations with nature and build intelligently — so your house doesn’t get washed away in a flood, get molded over, or become unheatable.
We always conduct an extensive sustainability analysis, evaluating aspects such as sun angles, wind flow, appropriate materials, water management system, water retention and direction, snow flow, and much more.
But just as important to understanding these factors is to take the time to stay on the land, to camp, to meditate, to sit around a campfire and feel the place. The more you listen to the land and feel the magic of the place, the more poetry can be expressed.
Building Into the Earth for Climate Control

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Financial Planning/ Capitalization

Do you find yourself asking: what actually goes into a building proforma? How do I even start with estimating pricing? I am clear on my dream but how do I get this things funded? I know my project can generate income but how do I prove it to investors?
Believe it or not, this part of your project can actually be fun. With the right support, you may just find yourself loving spreadsheets in a whole new way.
I have a wide range of experience as an entrepreneur, developer, architect, and owner’s representative. These roles have enabled me to garner a wide range of expertise in the financial planning, modeling, or capitalization side of project development. I know how to structure and plan your financing to unlock capital access.
I often hear that capital access is the restriction to building one’s dream project. But if you have a solid plan, from the financing to unit sales, then the capital that always seem out of reach can become attainable. Real estate is one of the safest investments and the largest asset class in the world. Investors and lenders love to put money into real estate projects, but in order to access capital you need to have a holistic and realistic plan.
I support my clients to find the right capital stack for their specific needs. There is almost always a creative solution to access the capital needed to create one’s project; but, one must understand what financiers are looking for first and then create the required materials and financial plans that moves them over the line.

Project Proforma Examples

Precast Concrete Septic Tank Used as Hospitality Unit
I also have a range of experience in creating solutions for financing from leveraging on-chain and off crowdfunding, token offerings, revenue-based financing, owner financing, debt, equity offerings, co-ownership, Special Purpose Vehicles, and even repurposing industrial building products for massive cost savings or modern barn raising, and much more. There is almost always a way to get a project built if you know how to be creative with the finances.

Master Planning

Have you asked why a masterplan is so important? Or what goes into a masterplan? How do I begin to organize so many components all at once?
Well, in short, an intelligent masterplan is essential for the success of any project. It is your working plan for the entire development. Since every project will have unexpected challenges such as rerouting water piping due to unknown rock formation, having to fire a contractor mid-construction for poor work or time management, fluctuating lending rates, loss of a project partner, and on and on. No matter what, mistakes will be made and you will need to pivot your plan accordingly. As Napoleon famously said, “no plan survives the battlefield,” yet he was famed for his cunning plans. And likewise you must have an intelligent plan in order for your project to be a success. At times, you must flow like water. A refined clear masterplan will enable the phased planning to create an intelligent project action plan. A masterplan allows leverage of future opportunity and cost savings.
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Refugee Farm in Lebanon for the Annual Food Vision Prize
I have worked on a wide variety of masterplan types, from entire island developments, futuristic city designs, affordable housing for churches, refugee farms, wineries, modular housing developments, resorts, and much more.
In this process one designs and optimizes their infrastructure, housing, permaculture, and natural resources. A quality masterplan guides the project stages of development and creates long-term value of the land from an ecological, economic, and cultural perspective.
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Building Innovation

But what do I build with? What kind of materials should I use? What will work best in my area? And with so much innovation in the world what actually works and what do I have access to? These are common questions you may have at this stage.
Luckily I have worked with a wide range of builders and manufacturers in innovative building systems. This ranges from repurposing ancient techniques to co-creating new construction and/or assembly systems. My expertise from earth fired architecture, prefab, modular construction, and much more enables me to advise my clients to find the best construction system for their project.
A Model Home Design for Lindal Homes
Radius Roof Rafter System: This is a system that leverages CNC cut OSB for low cost, build-it-yourself homes. Many dream of building their own home. It is, however, easy and common to underestimate the complexity and skill required to do so. Choosing the right construction system is essential in order to build your dream home successfully.
Radius Roof Rafter Construction Prototype Module
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I have also worked with a variety of block manufacturers to create simple and replicable earth covered homes.
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Block Catenary
Earth Bag Catenary

I specialize in shipping container and framed prefab construction systems as well. I understand how to cost effectively build with these systems to maximize the value of one’s budget.
Here is an example design I did for a community housing model where we set the containers on on helical piers and span between the structural modules. Building with shipping containers can be a great solution if you leverage the unique characteristics of the shipping container.
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Here is one of the many model home designs I have done for shipping container manufacturers.
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Building into the earth, in a way that is mold free, is exceptionally valuable for our era of unpredictable and increasingly extreme weather. Utilizing cutting edge materials like Wonderful Structure’s FRP frames is a fantastic method to create cost effective resilient homes. There are great building solutions for whatever one’s project needs.
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Wonderful Structure Model Home
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Wonderful Structure Model Home
I specialize in a wide range of construction systems from prefabbed Structurally Insulated Panels to panelized rammed earth. From prefabbed units to relocatable offices and health clinics. Here are a few additional construction system examples.
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In short, I can help my clients find the most desirable construction system to suit the needs of their project.


Have you found out that your municipality or jurisdiction has stricter regulations than you anticipated? Many clients have come to me after inadvertently underestimating the challenges of zoning restrictions. I have garnered a wide expertise in how to creatively work through overly onerous zoning restrictions. We have leveraged laws for farmworkers’ housing to putting buildings on wheels in order to legally provide additional sleeping or living spaces.
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Here are a few examples of putting homes and offices on wheels, repurposing shipping containers or building relocatable units from scratch.
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Tiny Home Ext
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Tiny Home Int
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Tiny Home Int
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In the Building Process for my Personal Studio
From homes where the beds actually slide out of the bedroom on rails, to open views to the river beyond the building setbacks to leveraging building under the minimum square footage required for permitting and then linking the small and separate spaces together on boardwalks to provide a fantastic home that wraps through forests, we can nearly always accomplish our dreams with a bit of creativity.
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Artist Residence Community in Design Development Sketch
It is however very important that one plans for their site’s zoning restrictions or else one will find themselves wasting significant time and money. I have seen this end countless projects prematurely. Do not buy land until you understand your zoning, permitting, HOA and other restrictions fully.
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Relocatable Home

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Relocatable Sleeping Unit

You can do a great deal in a small cabin

Design Process

My design process is heavily informed by the great American architects: H.H. Richardson, Louis Sullivan, and Frank Lloyd Wright. The great European modernists like Eileen Gray, planners like Doxiadis, system designers and engineers like Buckminster Fuller, the Japanese Shinto era, and other vernacular traditions like ancient Persian homes have greatly influenced me. My late studio headmaster, Frank Henry, along with my furniture, architecture and design professors, and the great architects I have apprenticed under, such as Andonios Kakis of Atelier 66, have imparted unto me a particular process of design.
I employ my robust training to guide and collaborate with my clients, leveraging their budgets, timelines, building sites, and business or personal needs to materialize their dream. I always start with the pencil and compose via a modular system based on the preferred construction system.
A retreat center in design development
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Private Residence

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Ecovillage Design for Moab, Utah
Whether it’s building furniture or a modular fabricated residence, the design process is consistent.
Below is a design for four homes that wrap a courtyard creating a community space in the interior and privacy outward for each individual home.
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Courtyard Community Home
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Living Room
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Bathroom & Walk In Closet
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Construction and Construction Administration

Although half the work is just getting to the starting of construction, you may know that this is the phase where many things can, and often do, go astray. Common questions you may have at this stage are: How do I know I have the right architect, builder or structural engineer? Do I need a structural engineer? How do I know what is a good price for what? Why are the various consultants and contractors saying opposing things? How do I deal with the endless stream of time sensitive decisions to make?!
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Building on a ranch
One of my favorite custom fireplaces and fireplace toolsets (see ex hanging on the left)
Finishing the fireplace
Whether as an owner’s representative or serving as architect, I have broad experience in guiding my clients through the construction process. It is essential that a healthy dynamic and relationship of trust is built between all parties involved in any construction process. Whatever my roles is I always make sure the architect, contractor, owners, and critical subcontractors establish a plan for how to work together to ensure the project is completed on time and on budget. As an owner’s representative I serve as the owner’s informed eyes to make sure the architect, engineer, and contractor are staying on track. I alert owners to areas of additional risk and help resolve issues. Mistakes will absolutely be made during the construction process. The trick is to establish clear responsibly for each party and the incentives, and pre-establish the relationships to solve issues together.
Rammed Earth Shelter By Simon De Aguero, Taliesin West
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Under Construction Framed Cabin Shelter, Taliesin
I have personally built enough buildings to not only have a very deep respect for builders and the process but also to know where and how things tend to go wrong. My construction experience is essential to design homes, construction systems, and to administer construction.
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Checking the Plumbing Twice
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Building an Adobe Floor with Maya Ward Karat of Earth Bound Architecture
Building Townhomes with Christian Butler of Studio Limited


And then there is a common question of how do I find the aligned people to come join my project? Where do I find the aligned buyers or tenants or visitors?
To successfully market a project, you need to start as early as possible. I work with my clients on their brand, messaging, and sales strategy right from the beginning. Marketability is very often an important consideration even informing the building’s design. The conceptualization, design and construction process also provides ripe marketing content if planned for in advance.
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Project Holocene Pavilion for Artist Russ Ronat

Above are examples of some of the key components to take your vision to its physical form. If you feel called to work with me please schedule a call to see if we are a match.

Limited Offer

Schedule a free 30-minute exploratory call to get started

I am offering my extensive expertise in regenerative land development consulting to a select number of land projects this year.

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