Voice of Customer Report
Voice of Customer Report

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Support Stats

Coda Tip: Support stats can be a great indicator of how well the team and the product is doing in the field. We’ve set up a page that shows off those stats so your company has a snapshot of what’s going on in the queue. To make it easy, we put the items for you to edit in brackets, but feel free to move items around once you’ve duplicated the template.

August 2024

Total Support Conversations Replied to

[ XXX]

Group Breakdown 1 - [xx] Group Breakdown 2 - [xx] Group Breakdown 3 - [xx]

Coda - Volume Feedback.png

Total Feature Requests


[XX] from prev. month [Link Source]


Total Bug Tickets Submitted


[XX] from prev. month [Link Source]

Total Dev Escalations Tickets


[XX] from prev. month [Link Source]

Feature Requests & Bugs

Coda - Features and Bugs.png

Wisdom Summary of Top Feedback Categories for Coda

Enterpret Tip: Wisdom is Enterpret’s AI Co-pilot that provides customer insights in a simple, intuitive chat interface. Ask any question and get answers to questions without the complexity of an analytics tool. Wisdom includes citations for all summaries [X,Y,Z] so that you are able to click into feedback records to see why it generated the specific insight. *Fake citations are included here for illustration purposes only.*
Over the past few months months, our interactions with Coda users have been colorful! Here's a look into the top themes we've spotted:
1. Tech Adventures: Some users have found themselves on unexpected journeys, navigating quirky technical issues. Whether it's mysterious read-only documents or puzzling formula behavior, these brave explorers have been charting new territories with 422 tales of glitches[1, 2] and 122 stories of formula fun[3, 4, 5]. And let's not forget the 101 delightful bugs they've discovered along the way[6, 7, 8, 9]!
2. Document Dynamo Assistance: Many users have been on a creative quest to master the art of document creation in Coda. From crafting the perfect document setup[10, 11] to mastering the art of installing packs (71 curious minds on this one!)[12, 13], our users are making magic happen with their docs!
3. Plan Plotting and Scheming: When it comes to Coda's plans, users have been on a detective mission to find the best fit for their unique needs. We've seen a lively mix of questions about team setups[14, 15, 16] and the best options for smaller teams and solo ventures (119 sleuths digging into this!)[17, 18].
4. Cheers for Coda! Last but certainly not least, many users are loving their Coda experience. With 120 cheers of joy and satisfaction[19, 20], they're happy with the platform’s functionality, smooth integrations, and reliability. And a few are still on a quest to find the ultimate plan for their solo adventures (68 curious Coda fans on this one)[21, 22].
It's clear that our Coda community is vibrant, engaged, and always ready for a new challenge or discovery. Keep the feedback coming—whether it’s a cheer or a challenge, we're here for it all!

Dev Escalations ⬆️

A breakdown of all the conversations that required escalated assistance from our Engineering team.

Monthly Dev escalations

Coda -Monthly Dev escalations (1).png

Dev Escalation Comparison

Coda - Dev Escalation Comparison (1).png

Top 10 Tags for escalation

Coda - Top 10 Tags for escalation (1).png

Dev Escalation Trends over 3 months

Dev Escalation Trends over 3 months (1).png

Dev Escalation Trends over 6 months

6 months.png

AI & Bot Reporting

Add a little information here about your AI or Bot programming so your team has context on the data they are seeing.
AI & Bot reporting (2).png

Trending Issues ⚠️

Add a little information here about your trending issue programming or a general summary so your team has context on the data they are seeing.


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