Voice of Customer Report
Voice of Customer Report

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Product Insights

Coda Tip: The goal of this page is to bring insights from the queue to your product team. It's arranged to give a clean, concise way to present themes, while sharing the tools to dig deeper in Enterpret if they wish. We suggest creating a dashboard in Enterpret as a partner artifact to make deeper exploration a little bit easier.

Top Tags 🏷️

Conversation Attributes / Inbox breakdown

August 1-31, 2024
Conversation Attributes  Inbox breakdown.png
Enterpret Tip: Looking to dig deeper into a tag? Drill into the data in the dashboard by hovering over the bar in the chart and select “View Feedback” then “generate summary.”

Top Tags Overall

All Customers vs Enterprise
August 1-31, 2024
Coda - All Customers vs Enterprise (1).png

Wisdom summary of Top Trends

Note: Wisdom is Enterpret’s AI Co-pilot that provides customer insights in a simple, intuitive chat interface. Ask any question and get answers to questions without the complexity of an analytics tool. Wisdom includes citations for all summaries [X,Y,Z] so that you are able to click into feedback records to see why it generated the specific insight. *Fake citations are included here for illustration purposes only.*

The Coda Carnival: Feedback Funhouse

Step right up, folks, and see what’s been happening in the Coda Carnival over the past six months! Here are the top attractions:
The Buggy Roller Coaster: Hold onto your seats! With 422 thrilling rides through document glitches[1, 2] and 122 loops around formula conundrums[3, 4, 5], our users have been on a wild ride. And let’s not forget the surprise twists and turns of 101 unexpected bugs[6, 7, 8, 9]—a true carnival classic!
The Document Juggling Show: Watch as our users juggle multiple document tasks with finesse! From setting up documents to balancing packs (a juggling act 71 performers are perfecting)[10, 11], it’s all about skill and precision.
The Maze of Plans: Enter if you dare! With 119 brave souls navigating the twists and turns of Coda’s plans[12, 13], this maze challenges users to find the perfect plan for their team or solo ventures[14, 15, 16]. Can they find their way out?
The Coda Cheer Parade: Join the parade of happy Coda users! With 120 smiles and waves of joy[17, 18], they’re celebrating the features and reliability of their favorite platform. And as 68 parade-goers ask about the best solo plans, they’re all marching in the right direction[19, 20].

Top 10 tags’ 3 month trend

August 1 - October 31, 2024
Top 10 tags’ 3 month trend (1).png

March’s Top 10 tags in April

April 1-30, 2024
March’s Top 10 tags in April.png

Start of the quarter’s Top 10 tags

August 1-31, 2024
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 2.19.42 PM.png

Customer Screams 😱

A customer scream is something we are hearing really loudly recently. So we highlight them so you all can hear the sentiment.
Coda Tip: Feel free to use this section to highlight any customer sentiment that you would like.
We love a bullet point or a collapsable list as a way to show your information without crowding the doc.

Wisdom summary of

User quotes

Top Feature Requests 💡

What are customers asking for? What would make Coda better?

International Dates

Upvotes this month: [301] | Total upvotes: [1005]
Companies requesting
Enterprise company 1, 2 & 3

Dark Mode

Upvotes this month: [156] | Total upvotes: [789]
Companies requesting
Enterprise company 1, 2 & 3

Collapsible Content

Upvotes this month: [78] | Total upvotes: [679]
Companies requesting
Enterprise company 1, 2 & 3

August Feature Requests


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