Microsteps are the core of Thrive’s behavior change methodology, and now they’re easier to find! We’ve made visual improvements to our Microsteps page to help users find relevant Microsteps that will support them on their Journeys.
🆕 What’s New?
Here are a few of the cool new ways you can interact with Microsteps on this page.
Microstep Activity:
Users can monitor their Microstep progress over time, including how many “active days,” the Journeys their Microsteps are associated with, and the days of the week they are checking into Microsteps.
Browse Microsteps:
Right now: Recommended Microsteps that users can do immediately, based on time of day
Favorites: Microsteps that have been previously favorited by the user
Explore more: Filter for Microsteps based on Journey topic and popularity
Completed Microsteps:
Users can see in one place all Microsteps they previously completed, how many times they checked into that Microstep, and share that Microstep with a colleague.
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We're excited to share that Thrive has launched a new and improved
! This update makes it easier for you to find relevant Microsteps, track your progress, and take immediate action based on personalized recommendations. Now, you can effortlessly monitor your Microstep activity over time, explore new Microsteps, and access your favorites all in one place.
Let's leverage this new tool to drive positive behavior change and enhance our well-being with a little challenge: I challenge everyone to commit and check into one Microstep for the next 7 days. Next week, let’s all share in [insert company’s well-being chat channel or forum] what your Microstep was and how you feel after actioning it all week!