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Our culture

At Cal Poly Iter8, we’re creating a hands-on collaborative experience to give future UX Designers at Cal Poly a taste of a career in Product Design. Our teams work collaboratively to tackle real-world problems, employ the Design Thinking Process to methodically discover solutions, and use industry tools to create beautiful prototypes that supplement a career-ready portfolio.

Our mission

“Kickstart careers in UX for the Cal Poly SLO community through hands-on, collaborative projects”
As a design lab, Iter8 wants to foster the next-generation of UX Designers, Product Designers, and Project Managers at Cal Poly SLO. We encourage students of different backgrounds and skill levels to grow and learn together, creating the first hands-on product space in the student community.
Areas of growth
User experience: UX research, UX writing, UX strategizing, UX/UI designing
Marketing: branding, market research, content marketing
Project managers

“Hands-on collaborative projects”
Mimicking industry structure/roles
Taking on similar positions students are striving to pursue after graduation
Iteration of industry experience (facing with design constraints, navigating product requirements, collaborating with people from different backgrounds, design handoff, etc.)

Our values


acknowledging different perspectives, learning to compromise, and respecting others


challenging designs, the status quo, and not being afraid to step outside our comfort zone


growing as an individual, a designer, a team player, and a leader

“Iterate ‘til we’re great!” 🥴

What it means internally
As an organization, “we”, the Iter8 community, will not stop improving until we are great. Through each work iteration, we are contributing to not only the design quality, but also our personal career growth, hands-on experience, and ability to work well in teams.
What it means externally
As an organization, Iter8 commits to deliver 100% excellence and satisfaction. This means that we will always iterate upon the end product to go above and beyond the client’s expectations of our design lab.

Our expectations

Be open to work in a collaborative environment with other creatives
Respect the team structure and others’ time
Deliver clear communication through Slack and monthly emails
Give constructive feedback to support each other and grow within the UX/UI realm
Have fun while doing everything!

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