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2023 EOY report for


1.) Continue efforts to speed up the site by implementing a persistent object cache:
This is one of the Site Health recommendations - shown here in Wordpress.
Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 1.15.45 PM.jpg
The site speed (performance) is one of the things that Google has identified as an issue - and this will affect all search rankings. See screenshot below from Google Search Console:

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 1.22.10 PM.jpg
Since December 19th (about a month ago) Google has downgraded the performance score for the desktop to Poor - due to the time it takes to load pages on the site. This will/has negatively affected search rankings and I think would be improved by implementing a persistent object cache.
Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 1.22.00 PM.jpg
I will email Luka about this to request his help.

2.) Provide SEO training
I think I should provide some SEO training to enable us to work together to improve the site and product pages in particular.
I recently did some work to improve the products in the bed category, specifically adjusting the product titles and permalinks to include the top keywords that we want to rank well for (ბავშვის საწოლები, ბავშვის საწოლი). These keywords weren’t in the majority of the page titles or permalinks (URLs). Instead, the product titles used the words ხის საწოლი (wooden bed) in the product titles - which is too general to be useful for us (as it doesn’t specifically indicate baby/kids beds).
If we can work together to use the right words in key pieces of content, I think we’ll see better results in the search rankings.

3.) Improve communication/collaboration with Luka
It may be useful to organise a meeting with Luka and/or his team who are involved with the BabyStep website, to try to improve the way we work together.
Last year, some of the changes that I implemented (implementing a caching plugin and setting up H1 tags to display on all product pages), were later undone/reversed. If we can establish clearer lines of communication and ensure that we’re all on the same page about what we’re doing and why, I think that would be helpful moving forward.

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