Amply Dev Library

Collection Settings Best Practices

1. Document All Fields

Always leave descriptions to make it easy for editors to now what to do.

2. Set necessary fields to required

Set any fields that should not be skipped to required.

3. Use Reference & Multireference fields to keep it flexible

Reference Author collection rather than hard coding an author name and image into each post:
benefit: Allows users to update a profile image quickly rather than finding every post by that author and updating individually.
Speakers Collection with Multireference field instead of reference field -
benefit: Makes the template flexible in case there are 1,2, or 3 speakers for an event.

4. Use Rich Text Blocks instead of using multiple fields for headings, paragraphs, etc.

This makes CMS templates more flexible. Users can add lists to a rich text block but not to a normal text field.

5. Setup Conditional Visibility for elements that might not be filled in

For the fields that might be optional, such as a testimonials multi reference field, set the full section to be hidden when testimonials are “not set”

6. Add Fields for Alt Text When Needed

For images that aren’t in rich-text blocks, add a field for the image alt text.

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