Video Pitch Scripts

Version 1: 30-second pitch

We're bringing trusted and affordable fractional executive expertise to growing mid-market companies.
Independent consultants struggle to find clients. Emerging firms lack strategic guidance to grow. There's a disconnect.
The market opportunity is substantial - over 300,000 underserved mid-market businesses in the US alone.
This platform allows seasoned consultants to focus purely on their expertise, not sales. Companies get insights tailored to their growth stage delivered efficiently at a fraction of the cost.
Imagine having a trusted partner that periodically evaluates your business health. We make that level of expertise accessible.
I welcome your perspectives on how we can provide real value. Take advantage of discounted evaluations and fresh leads by getting in touch today.

Version 2: 30-second pitch

We match seasoned consultants with emerging companies needing strategy insights tailored to their growth stage.
Too often, independent consultants struggle alone to find clients. And promising firms lack access to guidance that unlocks growth.
This platform streamlines discovery by aligning mission-driven consultants with ambition-fueled companies.
Experts can focus purely on their craft. Businesses get objective, affordable insights from specialists invested in their success.
It's like having a trusted advisor providing periodic checkups to monitor your health, catch issues early, and capitalize on opportunities.
I'm eager to shape solutions that create real value for consultants and leaders alike. Let's connect to explore partnerships and possibilities.

Version 3: 30-second pitch [10x]

Our mission is to fundamentally transform consulting to be more collaborative, transparent, and empowering.
For too long, strategic guidance has been siloed off as a privilege of the elite. But in today's complex world, we all have blindspots. We all have wisdom to share.
Imagine democratizing insight - an engaged community of independent specialists evolving best practices in the open.
Where world-class consultants freely exchange ideas instead of competing. And emerging businesses co-create solutions tailored to their needs.
A platform leveraging collective intelligence to unlock exponential growth and human potential. The time is now to redefine what business guidance could be.
Let's connect to explore partnerships rooted in abundance and mutual success. The future is ours to shape.

Version 4: Investor 30-second pitch

Strategic guidance should be accessible, not a privilege. So we're bringing fractional executive services to mid-market companies desperate for world-class expertise.
This untapped $200B market lacks solutions that provide objective insights tailored to their maturity and growth objectives.
Our platform empowers top consultants to focus purely on their craft, not business development. An efficient matching engine aligns them with promising companies.
It's a win-win. Consultants gain access to qualified leads. Companies get the periodic check-ups needed to optimize limited resources and accelerate growth.
Early data shows our solution resonates. With your involvement, we can enhance our offering and rapidly scale to dominate this greenfield opportunity.
I welcome your thoughts on how we can deliver 10x value to both consultants and the mid-market. Let's connect to explore partnership opportunities.
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