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Launch Brief: Success Indicators

Fractional Expertise // Shepherding Businesses to Success

W&W Associates: Success Indicators


Success Indicators connects middle market companies (typically growth startups and SMEs) with top-tier freelance professionals, providing affordable yet comprehensive business evaluations with extreme efficiency to optimize resources and accelerate growth.
Like a trusted medical practice for your business, we bring together a network of multi-disciplinary, fractional executives at accessible prices to diagnose, maintain, and identify problems and opportunities that would impact long-term success.
Success Indicators evaluates and draws recommendations based on a company’s performance and prospects in the following key areas:
Organizational Culture and Communication
Business Strategy and Growth
Operations, Systems, and Processes
Leadership Development
Talent Management and Skill Development
Marketing Strategy and Brand Presence
Financial Management and Risk Assessment
Customer Engagement and Relationship Management
Innovation and Business Adaptability
Product Development and Management


Pain Points
Consultants struggle to identify and close new client leads
Startups/SMEs need expertise to grow but have limited budgets
Disconnect between top consultants and growth-stage companies
Problem & Opportunity
High-level consulting unaffordable for most startups/SMEs
Independent consultants work alone to find and close leads
Connect consultants to companies needing expertise
Provide fractional executive services - "health checkup for business"
Leverage network effects for matched discovery and bundling services
Platform for fractional consultants to focus on expertise and generate hot leads
Advisory talent engine for clients seeking relevant, trusted, affordable guidance
Comprehensive analysis of key growth indicators (productizeable)
Community connecting boutique consultants with emerging companies
Key Benefits
Access top-tier insight at fractional cost
Diagnose issues and opportunities across business functions
Get objective audit and recommendations
Tap network of vetted specialists on demand
Targeting mid-market opportunities that connect growth startup and SMEs with consultants
Global startup consulting market expected to reach $11.35 billion by 2025
SME consulting market is projected to reach $198.85 billion by 2028
Shift towards remote work and the need for specialized skills have led to an increase in freelance consulting for mid-market segment
W&W Associates - "Win-Win for Consultants and Clients"
Overlapping W logo signifying alignment between network of experts and client companies
Shepherd and flock visual metaphor conveying guidance and stewardship
Professional yet approachable tone and visual identity

What's launching

Success Indicators is a leads engine for select, top-tier freelance consultants.
We are launching a service delivering fractional executives who are experienced masters at their craft. We bring together their gift for quickly identifying and evaluating key indicators to gauge the health and viability of a core business domain.
Our platform will bring incredible value for growing companies, by streamlining problem and opportunity diagnosis through a network of trusted, multi-disciplinary experts.
Our goal is to empower freelance former executives with a trusted brand and leads, along with administrative and account services so they can spend their time focusing on serving clients.
By bundling expertise, we can reduce costs and quickly align skills with needs, delivering top tier consulting for budget-minded, growing companies.

Who is the intended audience?

The intended audience for a 360-degree evaluation and fractional consulting services are mid-market companies, defined as growth-stage startups and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with 10-500 employees and $1M-$50M in revenue. This dynamic segment faces distinct challenges in identifying high-level expertise that will drive long-term value and fit budget and needs.
Early & Growth Stage Startups
Expert Guidance: Startups need seasoned advice across key domains but have constraints on hiring full-time executives. Fractional services provide targeted insights from leading experts.
Cost Efficiency: Hiring full-time C-suite executives can be prohibitively costly for startups. Fractional consulting delivers executive-level guidance at a fraction of the cost.
Flexibility: Startups operate in dynamic environments with rapidly changing needs. On-demand fractional consulting provides targeted help while adapting to evolving priorities.
Market Conditions: Despite slowing VC funding, the pace of startups continues growing. This creates a gap in expertise needed to guide lean, capital-efficient growth.
Global startup consulting market: $5.3 billion in 2020, projected to reach $8.4 billion by 2025, CAGR of 9.7%. The market growth is driven by the increasing number of startups worldwide and the growing need for consulting services to effectively manage financials, improve operational efficiency, and strategize business growth plans.
Small & Medium Enterprises
Strategic Insights: SMEs need high-level expertise across domains to optimize operations and capitalize on untapped opportunities. Fractional consulting delivers targeted executive guidance tailored to their strategic needs and growth objectives.
Objective Assessment: Our holistic business evaluations provide an unbiased perspective to SMEs, identifying blind spots and areas needing improvement. This enables data-driven decision making.
Growth Acceleration: The recommendations derived from our expert analyses help SMEs rapidly accelerate business growth and performance improvement.
Global SME consulting market: $150 billion in 2020, projected to reach $223 billion by 2028, CAGR of 8.2%. The growth in this market is attributed to the increasing need for business process optimization, strategic planning, and operational improvements among SMEs.
Freelance & Boutique Services
Business Development: Freelancers and boutique firms often struggle to find clients consistently. Our platform helps them connect with ideal prospects, reducing time spent on sales.
Focus on Expertise: Consultants can focus purely on service delivery. We handle administrative, marketing, and sales aspects.
Credibility: Inclusion in our selective network lends credibility and authority, making it easier to win new business.
Global mid-market consulting market: $200 billion in 2020, projected to reach $340 billion by 2025, CAGR of 11.2%. Mid-market companies account for approximately 35% of the total consulting market. Key drivers include digital transformation and data analytics needs. The rise of on-demand fractional consulting presents an opportunity given underserved demand for flexible expertise delivery models tailored to mid-sized firms.

Launch date


One-line pitch

Trusted and affordable fractional executive expertise for growing companies.

Brown M&Ms?

The derives from rock band Van Halen's unique contract clause, signifying that small oversights can hint at larger issues. Spotting brown M&Ms backstage warned the band of potential neglect in crucial technical and safety areas. ​See also - - -

Partners & Prospecting

How does it work? 🔧

Success Indicators offers a list of services to accommodate a wide range of companies and budgets. Our goal is to offer accessible pricing with minimal overhead that overdelivers on value.
Transparent and tiered pricing includes quarterly check-ups, evaluations, specialized services, trusted referrals, and more.
Listed below are descriptions of core services:
Expert Consultation: Engage trusted advisors across domains including Strategy, Operations, Finance, Marketing, Innovation and more
Business Evaluation: Comprehensive audit focused on key performance indicators tied to growth objectives
Diagnostic Reporting: Data-driven analysis of problems, opportunities, and blind spots with clear prioritized recommendations
Ongoing Advisory: Strategic advice and coaching to implement recommendations and develop leadership capabilities
Referral Network: Curated connections to specialized experts tailored to specific needs
Fractional Services: On-demand access to fractional executives across essential business domains
Problem-Solution Mapping: Identify the optimal type of solution for each business challenge using a proprietary methodology that balances practical and innovative approaches to generate appropriately calibrated methods (see below).

Go-to-market strategy

Our GTM will center around three pillars to establish thought leadership and drive leads

Webinar Series

Host monthly webinars featuring our vetted experts providing proprietary frameworks on diagnosing and improving business health.
Promote webinars through owned channels and partnerships to attract target persona audiences.
Develop engaging, educational webinar content highlighting our methodology.
Cultivate relationships with attendees through personalized, high-touch follow-up.

Strategic Partnerships

Forge partnerships with influencers, thought leaders, and complementary businesses to expand credibility and reach.
Pursue co-marketing opportunities, cross-promotions, and guest content collaborations with partners.
Join key industry associations as corporate sponsor to gain visibility and networking.
Partner with accelerators/incubators to offer discounted services to their portfolio companies.


Host quarterly 1-day unconferences in different cities to directly engage local consultant and business communities.
Organize an annual 2-3 day hybrid conference to bring together networks and individuals.
Use both regional and annual events as platforms to announce new partnerships, launch collaborative initiatives, and offer exclusive benefits for attendees.
Use in-person events to strengthen relationships, foster group problem-solving, and build a more engaged community.

We will complement these core pillars with:

Targeted content creation and distribution to establish thought leadership
Multi-channel paid ad campaigns focused on our differentiators
Social media and PR efforts to engage our audience and grow awareness
Customer success stories showcasing impact and ROI across channels


0-3 Months
Finalize positioning and messaging
Develop webinar series curriculum and promote first 2 webinars
Build initial prospect list for webinar promotion
Create website and collateral to support GTM
3-6 Months
Host first 2 webinars and analyze engagement data
Refine webinar promotion and follow-up strategy
Develop content strategy and publish first 2 thought leadership pieces
Identify and initiate conversations with 2-3 potential partner targets
6-12 Months
Host 4 more webinars, continuing to refine format and promotion
Formalize strategic partnerships
Create and distribute 8+ thought leadership articles/analyses
Run targeted paid ad campaigns focused on differentiators
Post and promote consistent social media and PR content
Develop processes to systematically generate customer success stories
By focusing on high-impact webinars and strategic partnerships, we will cost-effectively build authority and leads for our differentiated offering. We will refine our approach over time based on data and feedback.

Financial projections

Key Assumptions

10 experts in Year 1, scaling up to 30 by Year 5
Each expert handles 2 engagements per month on average
Engagements generate $10k revenue each
Experts receive 50% of engagement revenue
$1k monthly membership fee per expert
$5k monthly revenue from company retainer service
5 support staff in Year 1, growing by 2 annually
Other expenses estimated at $200k for Year 1, growing by 10%

Year 1

Engagements: $2.4M
Membership Fees: $120k
Retainers: $60k
Total Revenue: $2.58M
Cost of Services:
Expert Share: $1.2M
Gross Profit:
Revenue - Cost of Services: $1.38M
Operating Expenses:
Staff: $300k
Other: $200k
Total Expenses: $500k
Net Profit:
Gross Profit - Expenses: $880k

Year 2

Revenue: $3.25M
Gross Profit: $1.725M
Operating Expenses: $605k
Net Profit: $1.12M

Year 3

Revenue: $4.32M
Gross Profit: $2.16M
Operating Expenses: $726k
Net Profit: $1.434M

Year 4

Revenue: $5.58M
Gross Profit: $2.79M
Operating Expenses: $871k
Net Profit: $1.919M

Year 5

Revenue: $7.2M
Gross Profit: $3.6M
Operating Expenses: $1.042M
Net Profit: $2.558M

🗣️ Brand development

W&W Associates: Shepherding Businesses to Success
Brand Positioning
W&W Associates is founded on the principle of creating "Win-Win" solutions for both consultants and client businesses. Our name signifies this focus - the two W's represent consultants and businesses winning together.
This principle is reflected in the name itself, W&W, which is a playful twist on the "M&M" principle, turning it upside down to symbolize a fresh, innovative approach.
The overall brand concept for W&W Associates is one of guidance, collaboration, and mutual success, with a touch of playfulness and creativity. It's a brand that speaks to the innovative and dynamic nature of the middle market landscape, and the essential role that seasoned expertise and providential guidance can play.

Planning & discovery

As a service business, the company can begin testing out services and pricing without investing heavily in teams or technology.

Roadmap Outline

Project Brief: Articulate concept, positioning, branding, marketing strategy
Customer Validation: Test assumptions through prospect interviews
Expertise Onboarding: Identify and engage advisors across core domains
Communication Strategy: Create messaging to share vision with network
MVP Launch & GTM: Release initial offering and onboard initial clients
Client Success: Deliver value, capture feedback, refine processes
Growth: Expand network reach and capabilities to scale impact

Customer Validation

Testable assumptions

Domain Expertise: Advisors can reliably evaluate businesses in their specialty areas
Demand: Startups/SMEs need high-level fractional expertise and are open to engaging a third-party provider
Value: Our diagnostic evaluation and recommendations will provide significant value
Willingness to Pay: Companies will pay for different tiers of advisory services at various price points
Network Appeal: Top consultants are seeking platforms to access leads and focus on their craft
Growth Potential: Favorable market trends provide a sizable opportunity to scale the network
The goal is to validate that our positioning, offerings, and pricing align with the needs and perspectives of target customer segments.

Online Discovery Messaging & Questionnaires

Social Media Post

Over the last few months, I've spoken with dozens of consultants and business owners about their biggest challenges. One thing I heard repeatedly was the need for more affordable resources tailored to their unique needs. So I'm working on a new initiative aiming to help both consultants AND businesses win bigger together. But first, I need your insights! If you're a consultant or business owner, take 1-2 minutes to take our discovery survey and share your experiences. In return, you'll get access to some exciting perks and resources before our official launch. Let's build this community! Take the consultant survey [Link] Take the business owner survey [Link] #Customer #Discovery #Consulting #SmallBusiness #Entrepreneur #Startup #Freelance #Surveys #MarketResearch #Insights #Growth #Strategy #Success #CommunityBuilding #PayItForward #ShareYourStory
I’m assembling a team to crack the code for mid-market consulting. With the growth in fractional expertise while startups and SMEs face economic uncertainty, I think there’s a really interesting opportunity that’s presenting itself in the market. But first, I need your help! If you're a consultant or business owner, please take 1-2 mins to complete our survey and share your experiences. In return, you’ll get access to some exciting perks! Let's build something meaningful that helps both freelance consultants and businesses succeed. Who's with me? 🙌 Consultant Survey: [Link] Business Owner Survey: [Link]

Consultant Discovery


Subject: Shape the future of consulting & get early perks Hey there, I'm Bilaal, a former startup founder who struggled for 9 years to find affordable consulting advice. I want to change the idea that the best guidance is out of reach for most. I'm working on something new designed to help consultants like you win bigger. But I need your insights to do it right! Take our 1 minute survey to help shape this initiative, and you'll receive: - Early access to exclusive tools and resources for consultants before launch - 35% off consulting accelerator packages for early participants Please take a couple minutes to share your perspectives - it would mean a lot. Take the survey here: [Link] Appreciate your time, Bilaal PS: If you know any fellow consultants who would appreciate getting involved, please feel free to forward this along or share my info. I'd love to speak with them!
Subject: Join our exclusive network of elite consultants Hey there, I'm assembling a network of top consultants to connect with growing mid-market companies. As a member, you'll benefit from: - Access to a steady stream of qualified, high-value leads - Business development and account management support - Visibility and credibility through a trusted platform Please take 2 minutes to complete our survey and help shape offerings tailored for high-caliber consultants like you. Your perspectives would be invaluable. Take the survey here: [Link] I appreciate your time and look forward to your insights!


Company Discovery

Subject: Win a free company evaluation with seasoned experts! Dear [Name], I'm Bilaal - through conversations with business owners like you, I realized there's a huge need for affordable expertise. So I'm exploring a new "leads engine" to help emerging consultants share their gifts. But first, I need your insights! Take our short survey (less than 2 minutes) to: - Enter our giveaway for a FREE 1-hour evaluation session (a $2,500 value) - Share your experiences growing and optimizing a business Take the survey here: [Link] Your perspectives will help shape something meaningful. Looking forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Bilaal PS: If you know any other business owners or CEOs who could provide valuable perspectives, I'd really appreciate connecting with them. Feel free to pass my info along!
Subject: Give your business an expert check-up! Dear [Name], We're developing a service to help growing companies tackle challenges through on-demand expertise. By participating, you’ll receive: - A comprehensive evaluation of your business - An objective analysis of problems, blind spots and opportunities - Clear recommendations to accelerate growth Please take our 2 minute survey to help shape solutions tailored to your needs. We want to hear about your experiences optimizing a business. Take the survey here: [Link] Your insights would mean a lot to our small team!


Interview and pricing questions

What is the hardest part about managing and growing your business? How do you currently attempt to solve that problem?
Listen for pain points in managing and growing their business. Are they struggling with strategy, operations, marketing, or something else? How are they currently addressing these issues?
Tell me about the last time you encountered a significant challenge in managing or growing your business.
Listen for specific instances of challenges. What was the context? How did it impact their business? How often do such challenges occur?
Why was this hard?
Listen for the underlying reasons for the difficulty. Is it a lack of expertise, resources, or something else? How does this difficulty affect their business?
What, if anything, have you done to try to solve this problem?
Listen for their attempts to solve the problem. Have they hired consultants, sought advice, or used any tools or services? This will also give you an idea of potential competitors.
What don't you love about the solutions that you've already tried?
Listen for their dissatisfaction with existing solutions. What features or aspects are they missing? What would they like to see improved?
The goal of these questions is to understand the customer's needs and pain points, and how your service can provide a solution. Listen carefully to their responses and ask follow-up questions to dig deeper into their experiences and perceptions.
Form Fields
General Info: Name, Company Name, Size, Industry, Years in Business, Contact Info.
How much do you typically budget per quarter for outside consultants?
Success Indicators (SI) works like a physical at the doctor’s office for your business. Assuming we offer the service at an agreeable price point, how often would you consider check-up for your business’s health?
Ad Hoc, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually, Annually, Every 2-5 Years
Based on this frequency, answer the questions below:
At what price would you consider SI to be so expensive that you would not consider buying it?
At what price would you consider SI to be priced so low that you would feel the quality couldn’t be very good?
At what price would you consider SI starting to get expensive, so that it is not out of the question, but you would have to give some thought to buying it?
At what price would you consider SI to be a bargain—a great buy for the money?
Reach out to me when the service becomes available: Y/N


Q: What business domains do your consultants specialize in?
A: Our network includes trusted advisors across core areas including Strategy, Finance, Operations, Marketing, Technology, HR, and more. This cross-disciplinary expertise allows us to provide holistic guidance tailored to each company's unique needs.

Q: What results can we expect from your service?
A: Our clients have achieved an average 3-5X ROI within 12 months through increased revenue growth, operational efficiency, reduced costs, higher customer retention rates, and improved strategic decision making. We also provide hands-on implementation support to ensure your success.
Q: How does the business evaluation process work?
A: Our process begins with an in-depth intake to understand your objectives, challenges, and operations. Next, our advisors conduct a thorough diagnostic across key domains, analyzing performance indicators tied to growth. We deliver a comprehensive report outlining objective insights into your business health along with clear, prioritized recommendations to capitalize on opportunities.


Difficulty recruiting and retaining top consultants for the network platform
Challenge identifying reliable success indicators that accurately gauge business health
Slow adoption in the market due to companies relying on existing advisors
Ineffective matching of consultants to client needs
Offer compelling benefits and high-quality leads to attract consultants
Rigorously vet advisor expertise; use team evaluations to validate indicators
Focus on underserved segments; communicate superior value proposition
Invest in smart matching algorithms and specialized domain expertise
Build successful reference cases; leverage testimonials and word-of-mouth

Success metrics

Leading Metrics
Advisors Recruited: Total number of qualified experts recruited into the consultant network. Target: Grow 25% month-over-month.
Clients Onboarded: Total number of new consulting clients onboarded each month. Target: Onboard 40-50 new clients per month by Q4.
Leads Generated: Number of new sales leads generated through marketing campaigns, referrals etc. Target: Generate 250+ leads per month.
Lagged Metrics
Client Lifetime Value: Average revenue generated per client over the lifetime of relationship. Target: Increase CLV by 10% year-over-year.
Client Retention Rate: Percentage of clients retained over time. Target: Maintain 85%+ retention rate.
Average Deal Size: Average size of consulting contracts. Target: Increase deal size 5-10% annually.
Operational Metrics
Evaluation Turnaround Time: Time to complete client evaluations. Target: 15 business days.
Lead to Customer %: Percentage of leads converted to customers. Target: Improve conversion rate to 25%.
Recruiting Time: Days to recruit advisors. Target: Recruit advisors within 30 days.

“Working backwards” press release

Press Release: W&W Associates Unveils Innovative Fractional Consulting Service for Growth-Focused Companies
Trusted expert-led diagnoses identify opportunities and prescribe data-driven recommendations
NEW YORK, September 12, 2023 - W&W Associates, a leader in on-demand business expertise, announced today the launch of its new fractional consulting service tailored to meet the needs of mid-market companies.
The service provides growing businesses with access to vetted experts across essential domains including operations, finance, strategy, marketing, and more. These advisors conduct comprehensive evaluations to assess performance, identify blind spots and opportunities, and prescribe clear recommendations to help companies optimize growth.
"We've assembled this network of specialists to fill a clear gap for mid-sized companies needing world-class insights tailored to their maturity level and objectives," said Bilaal Ahmed, a Partner of W&W Associates.
The service includes:
Multi-week analysis of the company's positioning and performance by trusted specialists
Data-driven insights into problems, health status, and areas primed for growth
On-demand access to advisors that function as part-time executives
"As a fast-growing startup, we benefited tremendously from their business check-up," said Jane Smith, CEO of Widgetronica. "Their strategic recommendations helped us improve conversion rates by 40% within two quarters."
This innovative model provides an affordable channel for companies to tap into elite expertise.
To learn more, visit .

About W&W Associates
W&W Associates connects growth-focused companies with elite freelance professionals to provide objective evaluations and data-driven recommendations. Their network of specialists diagnose pain points, identify opportunities, and prescribe strategies and referrals tailored to each company's maturity level and objectives - like a trusted medical practice for business.

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