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Brand Development

W&W Associates: Shepherding Businesses to Success
Brand Positioning
W&W Associates is founded on the principle of creating "Win-Win" solutions for both consultants and client businesses. Our name signifies this focus - the two W's represent consultants and businesses winning together.
This principle is reflected in the name itself, W&W, which is a playful twist on the "M&M" principle, turning it upside down to symbolize a fresh, innovative approach.
The overall brand concept for W&W Associates is one of guidance, collaboration, and mutual success, with a touch of playfulness and creativity. It's a brand that speaks to the innovative and dynamic nature of the middle market landscape, and the essential role that seasoned expertise and providential guidance can play.
Brand Identity
The proposed logo for W&W Associates is a visual representation of this principle. The design features overlapping W's, signifying the interconnectedness and mutual benefit between consultants and businesses. Nestled within the overlap is an 'A', representing 'Associates', the vital link that brings the two 'W's together. The ‘A’ also represents the true “Alpha”; that is the One who truly shepherds our success.
Our brand identity draws inspiration from the shepherd and flock metaphor. The shepherd symbolizes our team of seasoned experts with deep experience "herding" companies towards growth and success.
The flock represents our client businesses who leverage our trusted guidance and fractional services. Like a shepherd leading sheep to greener pastures, we steer companies to know themselves and trust where they need to go.
Graphic Design
The brand imagery takes a subtle whimsical approach, featuring two sheep, or "ewes", a play on the letter “W” (double-ewe), and symbolizes the consultants and businesses we serve. These ewes are not aimless, but guided by a shepherd, hidden and yet present in the negative space.
The logo will feature abstract sheep (ewes) within the Ws with a shepherd in the negative space between the overlapping W's, creating a subtle reference to the guiding shepherd role we help play. The design style will balance professionalism with approachability, conveying competence and trust.
"Shepherding Businesses to Success"
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