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KYUN Series: What's Keeping You Up at Night?

Unlocking Business, Tech, and Leadership Challenges Through Expert-Led Interactive Workshops

About Chalkmark

Chalkmark empowers professionals through facilitation [more to come].

Workshop Series Overview

Value Proposition

Chalkmark’s workshops empower professionals to develop strategic thinking skills via short, impactful sessions with experts on today's biggest leadership challenges.
Unique Selling Points:
Practical Insights on Pressing Issues: Tackling the most common pain points keeping managers up at night.
Interactive and Engaging Format: 25-minute workshop identifying a key lesson for reframing challenge.
Community-Centric: Supporting ongoing peer learning and networking.

Problem Definition

Organizations and professionals face significant hurdles in developing key business and leadership skills, often constrained by the lack of practical and accessible learning opportunities.
Market Pain Points:
Lack of Accessible Expertise: There's a noticeable shortage of readily available, expert-led training tailored to current business and leadership challenges.
Time and Resource Constraints: Traditional courses are often lengthy and costly, making them less feasible for professionals juggling busy schedules.
Need for Practical Application: A significant gap exists in trainings that provide actionable insights and hands-on applications relevant to today’s business landscape.
Retention: Struggle retaining one-off advice rather than complete mindset shifts.
Customer Profile:
Targeting a diverse range of professionals, from startups to mid-sized businesses, and individuals eager to elevate their strategic thinking and leadership skills.
Businesses: Startups and mid-size companies intent on bolstering their strategies and team capabilities in a rapidly evolving business world.
Individuals: Emerging and established leaders, including aspiring product managers and professionals across various roles, seeking practical skills and strategic acumen.
Value-Driven Learners: Individuals who prioritize actionable, real-world knowledge over theoretical models.
Time-Conscious Professionals: Those seeking efficient and impactful learning experiences that align with their demanding schedules.

Market Opportunity

Capitalizing on the Growing Demand for Agile and Effective Product Management Training
Trends and Insights:
Expanding Market: The product management field is rapidly growing, with an increasing number of companies recognizing the importance of strategic product development.
Shift Towards Online Learning: The global shift towards virtual learning environments presents an opportunity to reach a broader audience.
Demand for Short-Form, Flexible Learning: There's a growing preference for short, flexible learning modules that provide immediate value and are easily integrated into daily routines.

Workshop Format

The 'KYUN?' workshop series offers concise, high-impact sessions, each 30 minutes long with an optional 15-minute panel discussion. This format is perfectly suited for lunch hours and can be scheduled twice daily to accommodate various time zones.

Detailed Breakdown

Topic Icebreaker (2 min):
Purpose: Each session begins with a dynamic icebreaker related to the workshop's theme, designed to engage and energize attendees.
Engagement Strategy: This activity not only introduces the workshop’s topic but also fosters participant interaction, setting a collaborative tone from the start.
Framing Story (3 min):
Problem Framing: A compelling story or example, relevant to the topic, is shared to frame the problem in a relatable and thought-provoking manner.
Contextualization: This narrative approach leads into the articulation of the main challenge, grounding the workshop's focus in real-world relevance.
Interactive Application (15 min):
Facilitator Guidance: The central segment of the workshop involves an interactive activity, like collaborative problem-solving or scenario analysis, applying a key insight that shifts perspective on the framework and arming with a tactical approach to drive progress.
Core Engagement: This key portion is designed to be dynamic, insightful, and occasionally playful, ensuring active learning.
Expert Insight & Reinforcement (5 min):
Reinforcement: The session wraps up with expert insights, offering practical advice, strategies, or a revelatory connection to the initial story.
Key Takeaways: This segment ensures that participants leave with actionable knowledge and a memorable conclusion, bringing color and cementing the new mental model or tool.
Optional Panel (10 min):
Interactive Discussion: A selected group of participants engages in a panel discussion with the expert, using interactive tools to field questions.
Expert Conclusion: The panel concludes with the expert's final remarks and a call to action.
Post-Workshop Engagement:
Continued Discussion on Circle.so: A dedicated online platform for participants to continue discussions, share insights, and post questions, fostering a sense of community and ongoing engagement.
Resource Sharing: Post-session, additional resources such as summaries, toolkits, and related readings will be made available, adding depth to the learning experience.
This structure is crafted to engage busy professionals effectively, offering a blend of immediate involvement, practical insights, and dynamic interaction, all within a compact and flexible format.

Program Development

Accelerated Development Timeline:
Immediate Action: With the series launching in two weeks, our development process is geared towards efficiency and rapid execution. This phase involves fast decision-making and establishing clear, efficient workflows.
Themed Weeks: We're organizing our content into themed weeks, potentially aligning with our sponsors’ and partners’ interests. This approach adds a cohesive branding element and sharpens the focus of our content.
Community-Driven Topic Selection:
Initial Topic List Creation: We start by generating a diverse list of topics, encompassing familiar areas for professionals, interdisciplinary explorations, and innovative, unconventional ideas.
Audience Participation via Social Media: Utilizing Twitter and LinkedIn, we’ll engage our community to vote on topics and suggest experts, turning this into a powerful marketing and engagement tool.
Responsive Topic Finalization: Feedback and voting outcomes will guide the finalization of topics, ensuring we choose subjects that genuinely resonate with our audience.
Workshop Content Focus:
Niche and Impactful Topics: Each workshop zeroes in on a specific, impactful topic. Our goal is to present a memorable and practical mental model or framework in each session.
One Idea per Workshop: Focusing on one primary concept per workshop allows for a clearer and more impactful learning experience, with more complex discussions reserved for follow-up or paid services.
Expert Commitment and Training:
Time Commitment: Experts involved must commit to the necessary preparation and participation time, adhering to the workshop's tight schedule and content requirements.
Expert Training: We’ll provide thorough training to experts, focusing on the need for engaging, concise, and impactful delivery within our unique workshop format.
Adaptability and Redundancy:
Multiple Speakers: To accommodate the series' ambitious schedule, we'll have backup speakers to ensure continuity.
Contingency Planning: Developing plans for various scenarios is key to maintaining the series' quality and flow.
Marketing and Engagement Strategy:
Social Media Engagement: We'll leverage social media for updates, engaging our community in real-time topic voting and expert recommendations.
YouTube Content: Post videos periodically based on workshop content to build brand and generate leads. Incorporate lead generators such as downloadable PDFs and related toolkits.
Iterative Learning: Engagement levels across topics will inform our ongoing learning and refinement process.
Feedback and Iteration: Regular participant feedback will be crucial for continuous improvement, with each workshop serving as an opportunity to enhance the series.

Partnerships & Promotion

Streamlined Partner Engagement:
Upfront Collaboration: Initiate partnerships by co-developing the workshop schedule. This collaborative effort should include determining topics, selecting experts, and identifying branding opportunities for each partner.
Schedule Distribution: Once the schedule is finalized, distribute it widely through both Chalkmark’s and partners' channels. This distribution should highlight the topics, experts involved, and the role of each partner prominently.
Leverage Partner Networks: Rely heavily on partners for distributing the schedule and promoting the workshops. Each partner should identify the most effective distribution channel within their network, whether it be social media, email newsletters, or internal communication platforms.
Partner-Driven Promotions: Collaborate with partners to offer special discounts or exclusive access to workshops for members of their communities, especially those catering to job seekers or professionals looking to upskill.
Pilot Session for Partner Trust:
Demonstration Workshop: Consider conducting a pilot session exclusively for partners. This session serves as a demonstration of the workshop's value and effectiveness, helping to earn partners' trust and enthusiasm for broader promotion.
Community Engagement:
Leveraging 'Never Search Alone' and Other Communities: Utilize the 'Never Search Alone' network and other product-related communities on Slack, along with relevant newsletters, to promote the workshops. This approach taps into already engaged audiences interested in product management and related fields.
Peer-to-Peer Learning: Promote the concept of peer-to-peer learning, where job seekers and professionals can learn from each other, fostering a community of mutual support and growth.
Interactive Topic and Expert Sourcing: Create a platform where the community can not only suggest topics but also pitch themselves or others as potential experts. This interactive engagement serves to crowdsource ideas and experts, while simultaneously building brand presence and community relations.
Interactive Challenges: Launch skill-building challenges tied to workshop themes, encouraging participants to apply what they learn and share their outcomes, perhaps in a dedicated section of your newsletter or on social media.
Virtual Networking Events: Organize virtual networking events post-workshop, where job seekers can connect with industry professionals, workshop experts, and other attendees, facilitating valuable connections. (Note: virtual networking is difficult to execute well)
Focused Newsletter Marketing:
Weekly Newsletter: Develop a simple yet effective weekly newsletter to promote the upcoming week’s schedule. The newsletter should highlight key sessions, experts, and any special themes or partner features.
Calendar Promotion: Include the full workshop calendar in the newsletter, offering subscribers an overview of what's coming and encouraging them to plan their participation in advance.
Partnership Development:
Collaboration with a Partnership Specialist: Consider partnering with a company that specializes in developing and managing partnerships. In exchange for a share of profits or mutual promotional opportunities, they can help in rapidly expanding the network of partners, thereby enhancing the reach and impact of the workshop series.


Sales Process with Partners
A key goal of this workshop series is to generate leads and sales for our broader services. We will incorporate the following sales process:
Offer extended workshops - Following each 30 minute workshop, partners will have the option to sign up attendees for a 60-90 minute extended virtual workshop to dive deeper into the topic. These will be sponsored and hosted jointly.
Consulting offers - The weekly newsletter will highlight specialized consulting offers from partners tailored to the topics covered. Attendees can request a demo or sign up for a package.
Sponsored newsletter section - Partners will be able to purchase sponsored sections in the newsletter to promote their extended workshops, consulting offers, tools, and other services relevant to attendees.
Referral fees - We will set up a referral program where we get a revenue share or fee if our workshop attendees sign up for a partner's paid offerings.
Lead sharing - With attendee permission, we will share lead information with partners offering relevant services attendees expressed interest in during workshops.
This will provide a clear path for interested attendees to continue engaging with our partners through paid offerings, while also generating referral revenue for our organization. The sponsored newsletter sections will keep partners' services top of mind.

Operations & Production

To execute 2-5 workshops per week, we will utilize an agile approach:
Production Board
We will manage workflows on a Kanban board with the following phases:
Topic Development: Curating and finalizing topics based on audience interest and feedback.
Partner Engagement: Collaborating with experts and sponsors, including crafting agreements and charters.
Workshop Design: Developing engaging content and interactive elements tailored for each workshop.
Practice & Testing: Rehearsing to refine delivery and iron out any technical or logistical issues.
Execution: Facilitating the workshop, ensuring seamless interaction and delivery.
Follow-Up: Engaging with participants post-workshop for feedback and further discussion.
This system will allow us to track multiple workshops simultaneously, ensuring efficiency and quality.
We plan a gradual increase in the frequency of workshops:
Week 1: Launch with 1 workshop as a pilot.
Weeks 2-8: Scale up to 2-3 workshops per week, based on feedback and operational capacity.
Total Workshops: Aiming to conduct between 18-24 workshops within the given timeframe.
Workstreams & Responsibilities
We will leverage a small team with the following responsibilities:
Content & Facilitation: Focus on topic development, workshop design, and session facilitation.
Production & Operations: Handle partner recruitment, scheduling, and technical aspects of workshop execution.
Promotion & Community: Manage email marketing, social media engagement, and community interactions.
Technical Operations: Integrate platform tools into ecosystem
Partnerships for Capacity
To augment our capacity and capabilities, we will explore partnerships with:
Freelance workshop designers for diverse content creation.
Community managers to foster participant interaction and engagement.
Virtual event production companies for seamless technical execution.
Technology Stack
Workshops: Conducted on Butter for an interactive and seamless virtual experience.
Community: Utilizing Circle.so as our primary platform for ongoing discussions and networking.
Email Communication: Leveraging ConvertKit for efficient email outreach and marketing.
Registration and RSVPs: Managed through Lu.ma for user-friendly event sign-ups.
Project Management: Notion and Miro
Website: Softr (or other no-code alternative)
Community Development
Initially, we will start with volunteer moderators to foster a healthy and engaging online community, with the potential to onboard a dedicated community manager as the need arises. Clear guidelines on etiquette, engagement, and self-governance will be established to maintain a positive and productive environment.

Success Metrics

North Star Metric:

Overall Engagement Rate: This key metric represents the percentage of participants actively involved in post-workshop activities, such as community discussions and follow-up resources. It reflects the workshops' effectiveness in maintaining interest and fostering a commitment to continuous learning.
Organization-Wide OKRs:
Increase Brand Visibility and Authority in Business and Leadership Development:
KR1: Aim for a 25% increase in social media engagement related to workshop topics, enhancing brand presence online.
KR2: Secure at least two features or mentions in industry publications by the end of the series, establishing thought leadership.
KR3: Grow email newsletter subscribers by 30%, expanding the reach of our content and updates.
Establish Strong Partner Relationships:
KR1: Form at least five new partnerships with organizations or influencers in the business and leadership space.
KR2: Achieve an 80% or higher satisfaction rate from partners regarding collaboration effectiveness.
Foster a Community of Continuous Learners:
KR1: Attain a 40% participant return rate for multiple workshops, indicating strong ongoing engagement.
KR2: Expand the community platform to 500 active members, building a robust network of learners.
Workstream-Specific OKRs:
Workshop Design and Content:
Objective: Deliver Engaging and Insightful Workshops
KR1: Maintain a 90% positive feedback rate on workshop content and delivery.
KR2: Innovate with at least two new content formats or interactive techniques during the series.
Marketing and Promotion:
Objective: Maximize Workshop Visibility and Attraction
KR1: Achieve a 20% conversion rate from promotional activities to workshop registrations.
KR2: Boost engagement on promotional posts by 35%, enhancing audience interaction.
Partner Engagement:
Objective: Build Value-Adding and Sustainable Partnerships
KR1: Each partner contributes to a 15% increase in workshop registrations.
KR2: Initiate at least one long-term collaboration or project with a partner post-series.
Technology and Operations:
Objective: Ensure Flawless Workshop Execution
KR1: Keep technical issues below 5% across all workshops.
KR2: Streamline the registration and follow-up process, achieving 90% participant satisfaction.
Community Management:
Objective: Develop an Engaged and Interactive Online Community
KR1: Engage 30% of community members in active participation each month.
KR2: Launch at least two community-driven initiatives or events, responding to member feedback.

Proposed topics, experts, and partners
Outline of sample workshop
Outline of planning schedule
Call to action: stakeholder invitation, next steps
“Working Backwards” Press release

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