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[Archived] Notes

Concept: Host a series of short virtual workshops to teach in-demand product management and product sense skills. Position our team as thought leaders while generating leads.
Establish expertise in PM education
Generate leads and promote services
Test workshop formats
Build community and relationships
30-60 min video sessions
Focus on a single topic/framework
Problem, concept, application, Q&A
2-5 workshops per week for 2 months
Core skills: Discovery, user research, Jobs-to-be-Done, prototyping, metrics
Frameworks: Jobs-to-be-Done, Lean Startup, Design Thinking
PM fundamentals: Backlogs, roadmaps, prioritization
Soft skills: Communication, stakeholder management
Email, social media
Partnerships with aligned organizations
Guest speakers
Success Metrics:
Registrations and attendees
Feedback scores
Leads generated
Community growth
Next Steps:
Build calendar of workshop topics
Create presentation templates
Identify speakers and partners
Set up email collection and registration
Develop social media and email promotional plan

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