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Survey Draft

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on Central Desi and how we can better serve New Jersey's South Asian community! This 5-10 minute survey will help strengthen our reporting and outreach.
Age: (Under 18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+)
Gender: (Male, Female, Non-binary/Third Gender, Prefer Not to Say)
Ethnicity: (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali, Tamil, Mixed/Other South Asian)
Location (County): [Dropdown list of NJ counties]
Occupation: (Healthcare, Education, Tech, Business/Finance, Legal, Government/Non-profit, Retired, Student, Other)
Consumption Habits:
Primary news sources: (News websites (e.g., NY Times, NJ.com), Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), Local newspapers (e.g., The Star-Ledger), TV news channels, Radio news, Podcasts, Other (please specify))
Frequency of news consumption: (Many times a day, About once a day, A few times a week, Less often)
Preferred formats: (Select all that apply - Text articles, Videos, Podcasts, Newsletters, Social media posts)
Most valued aspects in news: (Select top 3 - Accuracy, Local community perspective, Investigative depth, Data/Facts, Analysis, Convenience, Variety of viewpoints, Visuals, Other)
How did you hear about Central Desi? (Social media ad or post, From a friend/family member, At a local event, Other)
Length of subscription: (Less than 6 months, 6-12 months, Over 1 year)
Frequency reading newsletter: (Every issue, Most issues, Occasionally, Rarely)
Content Engagement:
Preferred topics: (Select all that apply - Local news, Arts/Culture, Businesses, Politics, Investigations, Explainers, Personal essays, Other)
Additional topics to cover: (Short answer)
Preferred content formats: (Long-form articles, Short news updates, Videos, Podcasts/Audio)
Community Engagement:
Importance of engaging with South Asian community: (Extremely important, Very important, Moderately important, Slightly important, Not at all important)
Barriers preventing greater engagement: (Select all - Lack of time, Unaware of events/groups, Language barriers, Lack of cultural resonance, Other)
Current community participation: (Cultural events, Political events, Volunteer groups, Business associations, Youth programs, Other)
Desired community engagement support: (Learning about local groups/events, Finding volunteer opportunities, Supporting youth programs, Providing cultural resources, Other)
Feedback on Newsletter:
What do you like most about Central Desi? (Short answer)
Suggested improvements: (Short answer)
Likelihood to recommend: (Scale of 0-10)
Potential Offerings:
What organizations or businesses would you like Central Desi to partner with to better serve the community? (Short answer)
Are there any services or products you wish Central Desi would offer or endorse? (Short answer)
Preferred support models for community journalism: (Select all - Donations, Membership subscriptions, Ad revenue, Sponsored content, Grants, Other)
How would you be willing to support Central Desi? (One-time donation, Recurring donation, Paid subscription, Sponsorship, Volunteer time & skills, Other)
Additional Comments:
Please share any other feedback or suggestions you have for Central Desi.: (Long answer text box)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Your valuable insights will help us create a more engaging and impactful platform for the South Asian community in New Jersey.
We appreciate your support!

Previous Survey

Central Desi is exploring the launch of a news platform about South Asians living in New Jersey. Please fill out this survey to help us better understand how to serve you. Note that this survey uses the terms "desi" and "South Asian" interchangeably:
-Where are your South Asian roots? (check all that apply)
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
-Do you identify with a religion? (check all that apply)
Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jain, Buddhist, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Other (please specify)
-Do you primarily socialize with South Asians of the same faith background as you?
-Please help us understand your linguistic preferences by specifying if English is your primary language. Do you speak:
English only; primarily English, with one or more other languages; One or more other languages and English as a second language
-Where do you get news about the local desi community?
-How do you connect with other desis in their area?
-Do you want to be able to connect with more desis in their area?
-What kind of information do you want about the desi community around you?
-How do you find desi grocery stores, restaurants and shops?
-What local news publications do you read?
-What are three accounts you follow or connect with on Twitter/WhatsApp/YouTube?
-How often do local news publications in your area cover the South Asian community?
(Very often , somewhat often, not that often, rarely)
-How accurately do those publications cover the South Asian community?
(Very accurately, sometimes accurately, not accurately)
-What’s missing from that coverage?
-Can we contact you to discuss your input further? Please share your email address if so. (require email addresses, share results)
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