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Audience Research

South Asian audience research

Newsletter Engagement

Open rate: 48.5%
Common range is 20 - 50%
Click rate: 4.7%
Common range is 2-5%

Content Review:

Highest Open Rate: [September 30, 2022 10:17 AM]
272 [sent] →71% [open rate] →5.7% [click rate]
Lowest Open Rate: [December 29, 2023 12:06 PM]
Highest Click Rate: [September 6, 2023 5:17 PM]
Lowest Click Rate: [November 24, 2023 12:39 PM]

Demographic Research

Overall Population:
Size: 4.6% of New Jersey's population identifies as South Asian, the highest percentage in the US. Population that identifies as Asian Indian is 432,883
Origin: India is the largest source country, followed by Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
Age Distribution:
Median age: Around 35 years old, indicating a relatively young population.
Distribution: About 32% of Asian Indians (a large portion of South Asians in NJ) in the U.S. are under age 30. Around 16% are 30-49 years old, 34% are 50-69 years old, and 18% are over 70.
Education Level:
Highly educated: Among 25-and-older Asian Indians nationwide, 88% have at least a bachelor's degree and 57% hold a postgraduate degree.
Professionals: Many work in STEM fields like medicine, engineering, and technology.
Diverse: Many Asian Indians work in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Popular occupations include computer science, medicine, finance, academia, and management.
Self-employed: A significant portion are self-employed or run family businesses.
Overall: Median income among Asian Indian immigrant households in the U.S. is $133,549 which is more than double the national median household income.
Regional Distribution:
Concentrated: Most South Asians reside in central New Jersey counties like Middlesex, Bergen, Morris, Somerset, and Hudson. Middlesex County, NJ has the highest concentration of Asian Indians at 29.4% of the county's total population.
Suburban: Many live in suburban communities with large South Asian populations offering cultural vibrancy and support networks.
News Consumption Patterns:
Multilingual: They consume news in both English and their native languages like Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati, etc.
Growing influence: South Asian media outlets are increasingly popular, catering to specific interests and news perspectives.
Additional Resources:
Indian American Impact:
New Jersey - U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts:
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