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Boon Browse Section - Jack McWhinnie

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Project: Browse Section



Goals & Objectives

Make content more accessible, easy to digest and appealing

Does the page help drive users to action?
Does it help users find the most important information easily
Is it intuitive to navigate?
Help draw the user in

Improve typography structure

There should be a clear hierarchy to the pages and it should be standard across all types of content (jobs, departments, employer profiles)

Enable users to find relevant content more easily

Consider how content could be curated and presented to draw users in
Providing ways for users to apply relevant filters and other sorting
Pre-set filters or segments of content (a suggestion)

Clearer differentiation between jobs and departments

Ideally, the interface helps to communicate

Make the rewards section more enticing

Right now, the rewards section is severely understated
Articulate more of the reward details i.e. installments, what’s offered at each installment etc.
That said, don’t get too caught up on the rewards designs right away. If some ideas come to you, throw them out there but there are some l

Other notes

The designs shouldn’t rely heavily on images. If there are going to be images, they need to be generated by Boon. The employer isn’t going to upload a bunch of photos for different jobs and stuff. If there are images, they need to be stock graphics/images.
IMPORTANT: Consider where the data will come from to populate the interface we’re designing! If you create designs that look cool, but require significant changes to the product to capture the data to populate the designs, the designs aren’t very functional.
As an example, punching up the employer profile with a bunch of metrics, stats, user reviews, and other activity-based content looks cool but implementing these designs isn’t very feasible at the moment. We don’t have a lot of activity behavior to display just yet.
That’s not to say we can’t create “What if...”-type designs, but we need to accompany these designs with more realistic designs that begin where Boon is presently and plot a path from there.

Project Components

Company profile

Logged in / full page
Public / full page

Department profile

Logged in / 2/3 page + preview
Public / 2/3 page + preview
Public / full page (used for direct referrals)
About (basically any details about the opening)
Related openings

Job profile

Logged in / 2/3 page + preview
Public / 2/3 page + preview
Public / full page (used for direct referrals)
Rewards (basically any details about the opening)
Related openings

Types of previews

1/3 view
2/3 view
Full page

Filter Functionality

Filter menu
Saving filter sets - when a filter is created, user has the ability to save and name the filter for future use
Alerts - when a filter is created, user has the ability to save and name the filter for future use

Saved Openings Functionality

Ability to save or bookmark openings so they can be easily accessed somewhere later on.

Search & Search Results Display

How the search bar looks and functions. Also, how it displays results. Consider that there are different types of content (jobs and departments) - how to display these in a way that is intuitive to the user and helps them differentiate between the different items.
Also, consider what curated content might appear in the search bar based on previous searches, job title, etc.

Action Items

Remove employer profile/info from the bottom of job & department posts

If they want to view the company profile, they can click on the company name/logo

Consider having a ‘related openings’ section

If designs indicate how the ‘related’ is being determined, that would be helpful

Include compensation details on job posts

This is compensation for the role, not the referral
Keep in mind it’s an optional field

Include loading screen behavior/animation that is clearly articulated

Personalizing landing page from referrals

Currently, when someone clicks on a link they were referred, they are taken to the job post. However, it would be nice if we added a touch of personalization to help them 1) know they arrived where they supposed to 2) helps them to feel more welcome. We want Boon to feel authentic and sincere. That said, it’s important that we keep things as technologically simple as possible. The more complex the product is, the more difficult it is to maintain and the more chances there are for errors. I which could be pretty easy to implement.
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