Verbal Identity

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Key Verbal Elements

Here is where you can find terms that are unique to BIG and the brand. This list can grow as necessary, especially if BIG wants to create more branded or native content. This is our recommended list of words and phrases to lean on especially during the launch of the rebrand.

Refers to our ideal audience and clientele. People who are looking to make big and ambitious change in their organizations and for the country. We want them to feel empowered.
True innovation is born out of collaboration. The synergy between partners, ecosystem, and public advocacy. Collaboration is a key part of our method as consultants who are a part of the Bayan Foundation ecosystem.
In support of collaboration, we refer to our clients as partners. We emphasize the equal stake they have in all of our undertakings. We want them to feel heard and validated.
BIG Impact

An attempt to brand the “desired outcome” of our service. As service providers, we want to give our partners a tangible goal to aspire to. BIG impact must always be tied to our core competency as researchers and consultants who want to create value for our partners.
Going DEEP
To go BIG is to go DEEP. We emphasize our rootedness and grounding in lived, human experiences of Filipinos.

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