BIG as a name serves two purposes. It highlights our relationship to the Bayan Family of Foundations while presenting our unique take on research that leads to innovation and impact. We recommend the use of BIG in more public engagements for greater brand recall.
Full Name
Bayan Innovation Group
We only recommend spelling out Bayan Innovation Group in more formal contexts such as press or official engagements. This kind of message discipline helps instill BIG as the primary brand.
Correct and incorrect usage
To avoid confusion, we recommend avoiding the use of BIG with periods in between the letters. Always spell it out in uppercase, not lowercase or titlecase. Do not use periods between the letters. This must be consistent across all public or external facing materials of the brand, such as the presentations and letters of principals.
✅ Bayan Innovation Group
❌ B.I.G.
❌ B.i.g.
❌ Big
Research and innovation consultants or consultancy
This descriptor does not appear in any visual applications of BIG. This is the recommended descriptor for public descriptions of BIG as required by press or other organizations. This helps when you are asked to describe the organization for external materials.
BIG or Bayan Innovation Group is a research and innovation consultancy dedicated to creating big impact through deep knowledge of the Filipino context.