The Nine Vrittis and Their Expressions of Human Potential
Vritti is a Sanskrit term that refers to where attention is drawn or what occupies the mind, offering a key to understanding our mental and motivational patterns.
Observing this focus reveals underlying preferences, fears, and desires. Each Vritti reflects deeper qualities of human potential.
The model shows how we tend to emphasize certain Vrittis, shaping our unique adaptation to the world.
It highlights which strategies have worked best for each of us, how they differ from others, and how they can serve as starting points for personal and collective growth.
The Foundational Triangle
Three initial Challenges
appreciation / confidence/ influence
At the center of the model, a triangle is drawn first. It represents the three major questions that guide our adaptation to the world:
What makes me valuable?
What makes me feel secure?
Where do I fit in?
Even before we could formulate these questions, we were exposed to their underlying issues. Depending on our sensitivity, one of these issues became more prominent in our consciousness than the others.
In each case, our interaction with others and the world revolves around:
Level of appreciation: what value do others and the world give me?
Level of confidence: what trust-based support do others and the world offer me?
Level of influence: how much autonomy do others and the world allow me?
Based on the perceptual filters associated with our Vrittis and the adaptive strategies we adopt, we construct a set of beliefs and references. As these become ingrained in our minds, we interpret the reactions of our environment as confirmations of our initial perceptions.
With the foundations of our personality thus established, each of us uniquely organizes the interplay of the three major adaptive intelligences inherent to our human nature.
The Responses of the three Adaptative Intelligences
Getting in Touch - Relational intelligence
green / purple / red
When my attention is focused on the use of relational intelligence, what often comes to mind is: “I have no intrinsic value; I must first acquire it through the gaze of others”.
My challenge is then to retain their attention by:
Seeking to Understand - Cognitive intelligence
orange / pink / blue
When my attention is focused on the use of cognitive intelligence, what often comes to mind is: “I cannot rely on the support of others; I must rely on my own understanding of the situation”.
My challenge is then to ensure a secure environment by:
Preserving resources and protecting my inner space
Moving to Action - Kinesthetic intelligence
grey / yellow / white
If my Vritti primarily direct me towards the use of the kinesthetic intelligence, the first response that emerges is: “I have no inherent power of influence; I must earn it through my actions”.
My challenge is then to promote autonomy and act freely by:
Taking the lead and demonstrating strength and determination