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Your hybrid plan

As soon as you have completed , and , this page will show you a custom hybrid plan for your team.
Your team schedule
Days in office
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Additional notes on your plan
Meeting-free windows: Every Friday afternoon, and Wednesday mornings until noon will be meeting-free windows for the whole team. The team has been encouraged to coordinate schedules as much as possible, meaning that individuals who work closely together will have more in-office time together. There are a few instances where two team members have less overlap in the office than they require to sync on work, but they have both agreed to accommodate using virtual meeting options. This schedule is balanced to ensure that each team member is in the office for two days each week, while adhering to the policy of at least two days a week spent in the office for all employees. The team will have designated time for meeting-free work to ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to complete their tasks. The team should keep in mind the critical nature of face-to-face time when working on collaborative projects, and maximize in-office days together as much as possible.
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