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10 Feature Prioritization Methods

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Prioritization for All

10 Simple and quick prioritization methods

Rank features like an expert product leader

Take advantage of 10 different and proven methods for prioritizing which features to build first. While keeping in mind, that there are multiple vectors in the decision matrix, and different stakeholders have different opinions.
Instead of providing a one-size-fits-all answer, this template provides eight different lenses with which to view your backlog. Each method is inspired by a seasoned product expert or considered a well-known prioritization framework.
So, start experimenting with your features list with some different prioritization methods.

Prioritization Methods

This doc currently lets you try eight different prioritization methods which intend to help you determine the best order to work on them. They're ordered, starting with simpler methods, going to more complicated.
This model determines what to put on first in the roadmaps by scoring it according to four factors. These factors, which form the acronym RICE, are reach, impact, confidence, and effort.
This model helps you takes the form of a simple classification framework for the features that you are considering for a product, whether it’s a single “large scale” launch or a series of product features that are planned out on a roadmap.
This model helps you prioritize based on the level of urgency, where it is mainly dedicated to the bugs and when to fix them. So, basically, when you cross a threshold, stop feature work and declare a bug week!
This model combines two factors to give a simple score of which feature will provide the biggest bang for your buck.
This model helps you figure out which of your must-have features really need to shine, and which ones just need to be good enough.
This model asks the question to users: How would you feel if this feature was or was not available? The answers help tell us which features are most important for customers satisfaction.
This modified version of SAFe's Weighted Shortest Job First approach invented by Joshua Arnold puts more weight on urgency in prioritization decisions.
This model uses numerical scoring to rank your strategic initiatives against benefit and cost categories. The goal of the weighted scoring approach is to derive an objective, quantitative business value for each competing item on your list. You can then use those values to determine which items should be prioritized on your roadmap.
Cost of delay is the cost we incur by not having a feature developed and available to users. Since we can't make everything available instantly, some features will need to come later. Cost of Delay helps you make those choices correctly.

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Links for Product Prioritization Frameworks

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