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Amazon Payment Services

Don’t have an Amazon/PayFort account:
Reach out to your Apaya Account Manager or
Already have an Amazon/PayFort account:
Login to dashboard
Sandbox version -
Production version -
Click on ‘Security Settings’.
NOTE: If you have multiple Merchant Accounts then click on ‘Merchant Management’, select your chosen Merchant Account, and then click ‘Security Settings’.
Copy the following pieces of information:
For card payments (e.g. VISA, Mastercard, AMEX):
Merchant Identifier
Access Code (Click to generate it if it’s not already available)
SHA Request Phrase
For Apple Pay, go to your Apple Pay sub-Merchant Account in PayFort and copy the following:
Merchant Identifier
Access Code (Click to generate it if it’s not already available)
SHA Request Phrase
Enter the information above into the Apaya Portal ‘Edit Account’ section for AmazonPaymentServices as shown below:
Note: For Apple Pay, use
MobileRequestShaPhrase field for the ‘SHA Request Phrase’
MobileAccessCode field for the ‘Access Code’.
If you don’t have these details then enter any string, e.g. ‘UNAVAILABLE’.
Ensure you’re utilising the Amazon test keys in the , and (if you have them) Live Amazon keys in the .
You will need perform the following steps on Amazon’s PayFort platform:
Technical setup for Card Payments:
On (or, go to ‘Integration Settings’ then ‘Technical Settings’.
Ensure the following settings/channels are configured, if not already in place then click on ‘Add New Technical Settings’
Trusted - (Mandatory)
Recurring (Optional - only required if you want to perform MITs (Merchant Initiated Transactions) via Apaya platform)
Note 1: To configure Trusted channel, you may need to contact your account manager via email. Please include in CC and Apaya will follow up your email with the necessary documentation required by Amazon to activate this channel.
Note 2: You may need to get in touch with your Amazon account manager to configure the payment types required on each channel, e.g. VISA, Mastercard, etc.
Click on each setting/channel e.g. ‘Trusted’ and populate each of the following that exist; ‘Direct Transaction Feedback’, ‘Notification URL’, and ‘Redirect URL’ with the following values
On Amazon Test platform:
Copy to clipboard
On Amazon Production platform:
Copy to clipboard
Ensure Response Type is set to ‘JSON’
Ensure Downgrade CVC is set to ‘No’
Technical setup for Apple Pay:
On (or, if you have more than one Account, click on the sub-account associated with Apple Pay.
Click on ‘Technical Settings’.
In Technical Settings, ensure the following settings/channels are configured, and click on ‘Add New Technical Settings’ if they’re not already in place (or contact PayFort support to get these added):
Mobile SDK - (Mandatory)
Merchant page (Mandatory)
Click on each setting/channel e.g. ‘Mobile SDK’ and populate each of the following that exist; ‘Direct Transaction Feedback’, ‘Notification URL’, and ‘Redirect URL’ with the following values:
Ensure Response Type is set to ‘JSON’ (if the option exists)
Ensure Downgrade CVC is set to ‘No’
On (or within your Apple merchant account, go to ‘Apple Pay Settings’.
If you don’t have an Apple Developer account, you will need to do the following to utilize Apaya’s Payment Processing Certificate (PPC):
Request a new Apple Pay .p12 certificate from your Apaya Account Manager.
You will be sent a .p12 file along with a password.
Once you’ve received the file and password, upload it in the Apple Pay Settings area of PayFort and enter the password. Click Save Changes.
You should see a success confirmation message upon successful upload however, please note that the Apple Pay Settings area may reload and look as though a file has NOT been uploaded. Please ignore this and proceed to testing a transaction.
Proceed to add Apple Pay to your Apaya Portal workflow in the Studio to test a transaction.
If you have your own Apple Developer account and want to create your own certificate, or want to setup your own Apple Developer account, perform the following steps:
Read and implement the instructions in . Please use the instructions below when performing the relevant steps.
Once you have created an Apple Merchant ID, send the following in its exact format to your Apaya Account Manager.
When you get to section ‘Register and validate your merchant domain’ please use the following domain so your certificate works on the Apaya platform.
(for production)
If you want to utilize Apple Pay on or then validate these domains too and perform each of the steps below for each domain
During the domain validation process you will be prompted to download a validation file, please send this validation file to your Apaya Account Manager so it can be uploaded to our platform.
Once it has been uploaded by Apaya, you will receive confirmation from your Apaya Account Manager, at which point you can continue to attempt to Verify the domain. (Point 6 of Register and validate your merchant domain)
Continue with the remaining steps from the documentation up until ‘Create a merchant identity certificate’ which you will do in the following manner instead:
Open a terminal and create a .csr and .key file using this command:
openssl req -out uploadMe.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certificate_prod.key
In the prompt, enter your details, and when asked for a password, leave it blank and select Enter. This will generate two files: uploadMe.csr and certificate_prod.key.
Sign in to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant IDs list section and select the Merchant ID you created earlier.
Under the Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section, select Create Certificate.
Upload the uploadMe.csr file you just created from your terminal.
Select Continue and then select Download to get your .cer file. It will probably be named merchant_id.cer.
Convert this .cer file into a .pem file. Enter the following command in your terminal:
openssl x509 -inform der -in merchant_id.cer -out certificate_prod.pem
Now convert the .pem file and .key into a .pfx file and send the .pfx file to your Apaya Account Manager.
openssl pkcs12 -inkey certificate_prod.key -in certificate_prod.pem -export -out apaya_merchant.pfx
The .pfx file will be uploaded to the Apaya platform and you will be notified once complete.
This is the final step: Proceed to add Apple Pay to your Apaya Portal workflow in the Studio and test a transaction.

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