
Below is a list of available exceptions from the Core library, to use within your implementation:

1. TransactionNotFoundException:
The Connector is unable to locate the transaction using the passed ID.

2. InvalidConnectorConfigException:
Connector configuration value was not in the expected format or does not meet the expected constraints.

3. MissingConnectorConfigException:
Connector configuration is missing one or more required fields.

4. ExternalHttpRequestException:
HTTP request to an external service fails due to network issues (DNS, unreachable URL, …)

5. MalformedHttpResponseException:
An external service returned a response that did not match the expected contract. This could be raised due to a de-serialization error or after running certain validations on the response content.

6. GenericConnectorException:
Generic exception class to be used in cases where the error is difficult to identify. You can also use this for cases where you don't want to create a dedicated exception class.

7. InvalidConnectorRequestParamsException:
A Connector action request has invalid params. This is a generic bad request exception for the connectors.
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