Core Library
The Apaya Connector Core library provides key implementation interfaces and exceptions to be utilised in the standard building of any connector plugin and should be installed and referenced within your connector project (see ). It is a library written in C#, and published as a NuGet package. Below is the link to the official NuGet package:
To install this package, follow one of the following methods:
1. Search for the NuGet package: In your IDE (Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider), go to NuGet and search for
‘Apaya.Connector.Core’. Install the latest version to your solution.
2. Open the Package Manager Console, and paste the following line:
Install-Package Apaya.Connector.Core
Plugin Template Example
The Plugin Template example solution is an example plugin template to aid the development of a specific connector plugin. The solution also includes a test harness project for testing the plugin actions in isolation.
It is a library written in C#, and published as a NuGet package. Below is the link to the official NuGet package:
To utilise this package, follow these steps:
Use Nuget Package Explorer to search and find package online and download or go to the link above and open in Nuget Package Explorer. Select File → Export to extract the package solution to your local device.