Access Point Financial Report Development
Statistic & Total Pendapatan & Total Rata Rata
Owner who disburse using PMS - Laporan Pendapatan Kotor & Bersih
Owner who disburse using PMS - Rincian Penjualan Kamar & Biaya Tambahan
Owner who disburse using PMS - Pengurangan & Tambahan Pendapatan
Owner who disburse using PMS - Filter Pendapatan Tahunan
Owner who disburse using PMS - Filter Pendapatan Bulanan
Owner who disburse using PMS - Download Laporan Bulanan PMS
Owner who disburse using Mamipay - Preview Laporan Mamipay
Owner who disburse using Mamipay - Download Laporan Mamipay
Owner who disburse using Mamipay - Filter Pendapatan Bulanan
Owner who disburse using PMS & Mamipay (Mix Disbursement / Susulan)
Owner who disburse using PMS & Mamipay - Download Multiple Laporan
Owner who disburse using PMS & Mamipay - Filter Pendapatan Bulanan
Improvement Task - Calculation total income and average income
Improvement Task - Calculation average income for zero disbursement
Owner who have tenant hybrid DBET
FTUE Financial Report
Owner who have multiple property - on Performance Report Page Owner who have multiple property - on Financial Report Page Owner who have multiple property - on Profile Property Page Tracker Financial Reports Owner who have multiple property - P1 and P2