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Tech Worker City Relocation Analysis Tool
Relocation City Analysis For Remote Work and FIRE

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Background into why I made this
For more details on this project be sure to check out the
I’m and I am currently a Product Growth Manager @ Facebook. I have lived in San Francisco for nearly 8 years. I always knew one day I would leave San Francisco eventually. My original plan was to work until I was financially independent and ready to retire early (FIRE) and then move to a lower cost of living city. The pandemic completely added a new option for me and many other tech workers.
I am now able to work remotely anywhere in the United States! While there are still , the fact I am now able to relocate to where I eventually want to live long term while still keeping my FAANG job is a game changer. That is why I created this tool.

The first version of this tool was a janky Google Spreadsheet that I originally made just for me. I showed a few friends and then people kept asking me for a link. That led me to write up one of my first posts on my .
Now with Coda I am able to make the spreadsheet come to life. Simply go to the page and use the drop downs for Income and Housing. The sheet will automatically update sorted by “Annual Local Tax Burden + Housing”. Be sure to read the for detailed descriptions of each of the columns.

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