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Engineering team hub

A one-stop shop for everything related to our engineering team, projects, and processes.
Welcome to your new team hub! Customize this doc to make it your single source of truth for team info, projects, and processes. The information is linked across subpages, so changes you make in one place will reflect throughout—no need to worry about stale info or messy upkeep.
Begin by replacing the content in the boxes below (called callouts) with your own mission, links, and relevant info. Then jump to any of the pages in this doc.

About us


Make internet business personal through a delightful digital communication platform.

Our Slack channels

- updates about our MS login feature
- updates on our new email automations

Related docs

Quick links

Team syncs

Design reviews - Thursday 11:15 PST
Demos - Every other Friday 3:00pm PST

Our team
Adam Davis
Buck Dubois
Felix Marlin
Mary Jones
Polly Rose
Alan Chowansky

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