
key questions
Questionnaire design: When designing the questionnaire, it is essential to cover key thematic areas relevant to churn and the partner-based sales model. Some potential areas to include are:
a. Demographic information: Collect basic details about the respondents, such as their role, company size, and industry.
b. Partnership satisfaction: Assess the satisfaction levels of customers with the partnership program, including aspects like partner support, communication, and collaboration.
c. Product satisfaction: Measure customer satisfaction with the SaaS product itself, including its features, functionality, and usability.
d. Service quality: Evaluate the quality of customer service provided by the SaaS vendor, specifically as it relates to partner-related inquiries and support.
e. Partner effectiveness: Gather insights into the performance of partners, such as their knowledge, responsiveness, and ability to meet customer needs.
f. Churn reasons: Identify the main reasons for customer churn, such as pricing, competition, lack of value, or partnership-related issues.
g. Customer expectations: Assess customer expectations and how they align with the partner-based sales model.
h. Retention strategies: Explore potential strategies for improving customer retention, such as enhanced partner training, better partner onboarding, or proactive customer engagement
Reasons for churn:
Lack of differentiation: In a commodity market, where multiple vendors offer similar SaaS products, customers may churn if they perceive little differentiation between your product and competitors. If the product fails to stand out or provide unique value, customers may opt for a different vendor offering similar functionality at a lower cost.
Pricing and cost concerns: Pricing plays a significant role in customer decision-making. If customers find your SaaS product's pricing to be uncompetitive or if they face unexpected price increases, they may seek alternatives that offer better value for money. Price sensitivity is especially high in commodity markets, where customers have numerous options to choose from.
Poor product performance or reliability: Customers expect a commodity SaaS product to be stable, reliable, and perform consistently. If they experience frequent downtime, slow response times, or inadequate performance, they may become frustrated and decide to switch to a more reliable competitor.
Lack of customer support: Insufficient or ineffective customer support can be a significant driver of churn. If customers encounter difficulties in obtaining timely assistance or if their support requests are not adequately addressed, they may perceive a lack of responsiveness and seek alternative vendors that offer better support services.
Limited scalability or flexibility: Commodity SaaS products are often expected to cater to a broad range of customers with varying needs. If your product lacks scalability or the flexibility to adapt to customer requirements, organizations may churn in search of a solution that better aligns with their evolving business needs.
Poor user experience and usability: User experience (UX) and usability are critical factors influencing customer satisfaction. If the product's interface is complex, unintuitive, or difficult to navigate, users may find it frustrating and opt for a more user-friendly alternative.
Lack of product updates or innovation: In commodity markets, customers expect ongoing product improvements and innovations to stay competitive. If your organization fails to deliver regular updates, new features, or innovative solutions, customers may perceive your product as stagnant and look for vendors who offer more progressive solutions.
Partnership-related issues: Since the product is sold through a partner channel, the quality and effectiveness of the partner can influence customer churn. If partners fail to provide adequate support, deliver value-added services, or align with customers' needs, it can lead to dissatisfaction and potential churn.
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