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Employee Onboarding & HR

*Duplicate and use for each new cleaner


Note rate & availability (confirm holidays / away days)
Confirm that we’ve seen the actual passport & 1 other ID / Utility
Make a copy /photo of passport
Save documents and all personal information in 1PW as an ID card?* This information should not be saved or shared anywhere else.

Before they start

Check references
Request information / form? Address, emergency contact, size for uniform
Run DBS & Right to work checks - u check (1PW)
Send contract (&BPL?)
Invite to booking / management software
Share training manuals / videos
Make sure they have a clear point of contact

Training / First contact day

Conduct training? / Training Manual?
Train on before and after photos
How to do Video walkthrough
Make sure all cleaner data is input correctly to software and stored to CSV
Issue uniform (Issue uniform 2 after certain time?)
Issue Tech equipment kit
Sign equipment waiver?
Issue personal cleaning materials kit
Expense card / warehouse keys?
Add birthday to birthday calendar
Schedule regular check-ins / 1:1’s / performance reviews with Supervisor
Collect /deliver new materials monthly?

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.