icon picker
Quick tips

Use headers to organize your content

Type # <whatever title you want> to get a “Header 1” (Big header)

Type ## <whatever subtitle you want> to get a “Header 2” (Medium header)

Type ### <whatever subsection you want> to get a “Header 3” (Small header)

If you want to bold something, select the text and then type Ctrl + b (⌘ Cmd + b on Mac) or type **thing that you want to bold** (if you use Discord or Markdown, this might be familiar to you).
If you want to italicize something, select the text and then type Ctrl + i (⌘ Cmd + i on Mac) or type *thing that you want to italicize* (if you use Discord or Markdown, this might be familiar to you).
Select some text or press Ctrl (⌘ Cmd on Mac) to see the text styles menu pop up
If you’re trying to embed something (like your Tableau visualizations), when you paste the link, select the embed option in the menu that pops up
Use Ctrl + c (⌘ Cmd + c on Mac) to copy something or Ctrl + x (⌘ Cmd + x on Mac) to cut something. Ctrl + v (⌘ Cmd + v on Mac) to paste it. (This works in almost any app, btw). Of course, you can also right click / two-finger click.

Use the pages on the left

Use the page for the section of the project you’re currently on.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.