To create a new onboarding system, we studied how dog walkers currently use the app. This report contains key journey maps we often refer to in product development, and notes which tasks are especially significant/pain points.
Data analytics
4/1/2021, 2:27 PM
locator service
house sitting
day care
Super Spa Time
dog walker user journeys to create a new onboarding system, we studied how dog walkers currently use the app. this report contains key journey maps we often refer to in product development, and notes which tasks are especially significant/pain points. dog walkers prefer to know the size of the dog they are walking first, then the age.
dog walkers often have a maximum number in mind of dogs they’d like to walk in a week.
dog walkers prefer scenic hikes over neighborhood walks. account locator service security house sitting walk day care calendar super spa time login map address location safety dog sit baby sit sitter hike daycare board project summer camp schedule project fancytime grooming beta spa groom bath interviews data analytics observations sitters groomers walkers
login map address location safety dog sit baby sit sitter hike daycare board Project Summer Camp schedule Project Fancytime Grooming Beta spa groom bath
Dog walkers prefer to know the size of the dog they are walking first, then the age. 6
Dog sitter persona research
We researched prospective dog sitters on why they were interested in signing up, what they hoped to get out of dog sitting, and their general feelings about the product.
9/17/2021, 12:24 PM
dog sitter persona research we researched prospective dog sitters on why they were interested in signing up, what they hoped to get out of dog sitting, and their general feelings about the product. dog sitters often have dogs of their own. sometimes they want to socialize them.
because of remote work, there’s less interest in doing dog sitting during the day. house sitting dog sit baby sit sitter interviews sitters
dog sit baby sit sitter
Dog sitters often have dogs of their own. Sometimes they want to socialize them. 6
New calendar tool usability test
We built a new calendar tool for dog owners to check dog walkers’ availability and tested it for usability.
7/2/2021, 8:40 AM
new calendar tool usability test we built a new calendar tool for dog owners to check dog walkers’ availability and tested it for usability. unexpectedly, we discovered that dog parents want to first filter for budget, then search for availability.
dog parents preferred the week-by-week view over the month-by-month view. calendar walk billing schedule hike pay invoice user testing dog parents
schedule hike pay invoice
Unexpectedly, we discovered that dog parents want to first filter for budget, then search for availability. 5
Comments exploratory research
We interviewed dog parents at dog parks about interacting with other local dog parents, their sense of community, and local needs, to explore creating a commenting system.
9/14/2021, 1:03 PM
Super Paw Plus
comments exploratory research we interviewed dog parents at dog parks about interacting with other local dog parents, their sense of community, and local needs, to explore creating a commenting system. dog parents only had interest in a comments section if it was centered around advice or tips.
they only wanted quality conversations. this could be a bonus feature for our premier membership. super paw plus recruitment premier membership field study interviews dog parents
premier membership
Dog parents only had interest in a comments section if it was centered around advice or tips. 5
Grooming and walk combination plan research
We tested dog sentiment around a new grooming and walk packaged plan to see if dogs preferred grooming or walking first.
9/14/2021, 1:16 PM
grooming and walk combination plan research we tested dog sentiment around a new grooming and walk packaged plan to see if dogs preferred grooming or walking first. dogs showed high satisfaction levels with either option (measured wags per minute).
groomers preferred grooming after the walk, so the dog was more tired out and less reactive. super spa time walk project fancytime grooming beta spa groom bath hike field study dogs groomers walkers
Project Fancytime Grooming Beta spa groom bath hike
Dogs showed high satisfaction levels with either option (measured wags per minute). 5
Grooming partnerships research
To improve partnership operations, we researched how our partnership team currently reaches out to local groomers to be part of our Super Spa Time roster.
9/14/2021, 2:18 PM
Super Spa Time
grooming partnerships research to improve partnership operations, we researched how our partnership team currently reaches out to local groomers to be part of our super spa time roster. the key pain point is that dog groomers want a guarantee of how much they could make in a month, but we don’t have that data.
partnerships often hears requests for success stories. we should produce more online case studies they can share. super spa time recruitment project fancytime grooming beta spa groom bath survey interviews internal
Project Fancytime Grooming Beta spa groom bath
The key pain point is that dog groomers want a guarantee of how much they could make in a month, but we don’t have that data. 5
Dog sitter care package A/B test
We tested dog and sitter sentiment to three different packages to send to new dog sitters that would help welcome dogs into their home, including toys, blankets, and treats.
9/17/2021, 12:24 PM
dog sitter care package a/b test we tested dog and sitter sentiment to three different packages to send to new dog sitters that would help welcome dogs into their home, including toys, blankets, and treats. dogs preferred the care package that contained the most treats.
sitters preferred more toys over treats.
we recommend listening to the dogs. house sitting dog sit baby sit sitter field study observations dogs sitters
dog sit baby sit sitter
Dogs preferred the care package that contained the most treats. 5
After hearing feedback that our billing screen was confusing, we researched current pain points to inform a redesign project.
9/17/2021, 12:24 PM
billing screen redesign after hearing feedback that our billing screen was confusing, we researched current pain points to inform a redesign project. users often got stuck on confirming credit card payment and requested a “back” button.
users preferred to see a monthly bill rather than a rolling feed of charges. billing pay invoice observations user testing dog parents
pay invoice
Users often got stuck on confirming credit card payment and requested a “back” button. 5
Before the launch of our new sign up page, we tested if users understood the new SSO options.
Dog Parents
9/17/2021, 12:24 PM
sso usability test before the launch of our new sign up page, we tested if users understood the new sso options. users with password managers did not understand this was a new signup button, and not a login button.
users requested multiple login options. account login data analytics dog parents sitters groomers walkers
Users with password managers did not understand this was a new signup button, and not a login button. 5
Locator service competitive analysis
To explore possibilities for our new map tool, we researched how similar service recruitment apps formatted their map tools.
9/17/2021, 12:24 PM
locator service competitive analysis to explore possibilities for our new map tool, we researched how similar service recruitment apps formatted their map tools. many maps start at neighborhood level, then expand to city level if needed.
some companies also include price by the walker’s name. locator service map address location competitive analysis other
map address location
Many maps start at neighborhood level, then expand to city level if needed. 5
Welcome gift exploratory research
We tested if giving new dog parents a welcome gift to our product would increase month-over-month spending. Options included adding Paw Points and sending a care package of treats to their dog.
9/17/2021, 12:46 PM
Paw Points
welcome gift exploratory research we tested if giving new dog parents a welcome gift to our product would increase month-over-month spending. options included adding paw points and sending a care package of treats to their dog. although dogs preferred the welcome packages that included treats, dog owners spent more in a year if they were initially awarded with paw points.
existing owners registering new dogs didn’t need to get an extra physical package, and preferred online rewards systems. billing paw points recruitment pay invoice rewards points field study interviews dog parents dogs
pay invoice rewards points
Although dogs preferred the welcome packages that included treats, dog owners spent more in a year if they were initially awarded with Paw Points. 5