Uses DDG instead of Google as a search engine; blocks trackers and certain ads
duckduckgo for firefox
🟠 Minimal (Browsing is almost unchanged)
Don’t reuse the same pass twice thanks to this, keep secrets too.
Make sure to also use 2FA (using an app, not SMS!).
bitwarden password manager
🔴 Medium (Browsing requires some manual adjustments)
A security powerhouse, allowing you to see with a high degree of granularity what a page is loading, what trackers are available, and allow specific things either manually, or with complex rules.
Breaks half the web by default, you will spend the first month wasting time setting it up slowly and painstakingly for the sites you use.
☠️ Large (Browsing requires frequent adjustments to habits)
Download videos (youtube, vimeo, porn, etc)
video downloadhelper
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Pops up a link to legal and free access version of the papers
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Enables containers
multi account containers
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Presents tabs in a tree on the left. Changes the entire browsing experience by giving spatial positioning and allowing you to keep track of where you come from. Also allows you to collapse branches while you focus on something else.
If you like directories, add a bookmarklet that creates them:
about:treestyletab-group?Default Title
tree style tab
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Can create temporary containers (like incognito tabs inside your browsing session) either on command, or depending on some rules, or for every tab.
If you set it to automatic, there may be some minor convenience trade-off as the temporary containers will be listed in your container list for a minute or two (they don’t get deleted automatically in case you close a tab by mistake and want to re-open it)
If you use it manually, there’s no quality of life trade-off
temporary containers
🟠 Minimal (Browsing is almost unchanged)
If you open a tab in the wrong container, this allows you to switch
switch container
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Blocks ads, but will make many sites ask you to unblock them. You will probably end up re-allowing most major players.
ublock origin
🔴 Medium (Browsing requires some manual adjustments)
Allows to save one or multiple tabs directly to disk
save selected tabs to files
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Runs some heuristics on Amazon reviews to remove the fake ones
reviewmeta com review helper
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Organize your tabs in named or unamed groups
panorama tab groups
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Allows to move multiple tabs, but also copy all URLs, or copy all titles
multiple tab handler
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Translates a page, or whatever you select
instant translate
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Removes noise from Medium
make medium readable again
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Redirects major sites (Instagram, Twitter, Qora, etc) to non-tracking, privately hosted mirrors. It’s possible to selectively decide which links you’d like to redirect and which not.
Sometimes, the private instance is down, and you need to manually cycle to another one.
🔴 Medium (Browsing requires some manual adjustments)
Useful to trace back an image
image search options
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
This link can't be embedded.
Forces HTTPS when possible
https everywhere
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Removes the intermediary link from google results
google no tracking url
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Automatically gates facebook and instagram, as well as the iframes and tracker processes on other pages. It doesn’t require the main @multi account containers
plugin to work, can work independently. facebook container
🟠 Minimal (Browsing is almost unchanged)
Download manager
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Sometimes sites set PDFs, images, or videos to download, which forces you to save the file and open it locally.
This extension forces all files that the browser can handle to open in a new tab (and you can save the file if you like from there).
Breaks with google docs, makes it so you cannot print to file.
display inline
🟠 Minimal (Browsing is almost unchanged)
When used with , allows to, copy both title and url, (optionally as markdown) copy selected tabs to clipboar
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Some power tools for opening, creating, and editing containers
containers helper
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Removes general tracking stuff from URLs like utm_blah
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
This link can't be embedded.
Cancels paywalls for many major sites without hacks or doing anything illegal.
bypass paywalls clean
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Allows to bookmark an entire tree at once
bookmark tree for tst
🟢 None (Browsing is normal)
Firefox requires you to manually switch languages in a text box. If you switch often because you speak to people of different languages, you need this extension
automatic spelling language
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
Automatically sets the options on cookie panel options. Works on very few sites; you’ll still manually opt out in many cases. But hey, that’s still that many sites less to manually set!
auto cookie optout
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)
There’s general adblock, but it can be annoying, because many sites stop working unless you turn it off. This addon works only on youtube, but doesn’t disrupt your daily navigation at all
adblock for youtube
💚 Enhanced (Browsing is better)