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No tolerance

Never resort to bad communication.
Dishonesty & Lying as well as fake excuses.
Not sharing the bad. If you have an issue, speak to clear it out.
"It can't be done!" without an explanation or alternative approach
Not being there when needed or refusing to help when you can.
Taking advantage of trust.
Underestimating others. You can learn something from everyone.
Blaming others.
Chit-Chat and Toxicity.
Bad influence on others.
Abusing any of the core values.

We're all here to work for the benefit of the company, learn, advance in our careers, earn some money and have fun doing it! 😎

Mistakes do happen

It's inevitable that mistakes will happen. Here's how we deal with them at POSRocket:
1st time mistakes: Your manager will speak to you to understand why did this happen, clarify what went wrong, describe the impact and explain how it can be prevented from happening again.
2nd time mistakes: your manager will Inform you and will clearly indicate that it's a second time and they'll offer help. You and your manager need to find out what was missed after the 1st conversation.
3rd time mistakes: Action will be taken against you.
4th time mistakes: There are no 4th time mistakes.

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