Total Logins
Number of Login by the user/account
Total Page Views
Number of Page views by the user/account
Total Tickets
Total number of tickets raised by the user/account
Days to Last Login
Number of days to last login by the user/account
Open tickets
Number of open tickets for the user/account
Bugs Reported
Number of Bugs reported by the user/account
NPS Score
last Score provided by the user/account
Number of chats by the user/account
Days to last chat
Number of days to last chat by the user/account
Onboarding complete?
Has the user completed the onboarding?
Expiry date
Expiry date of the current plan for the user/account
Plan details
Which plan the user is on?
Customer ID
A unique identifier for the user/account
monthly charges
The amount charged to the customer monthly
total charges
The total amount charged to the customer