Use the NFC-enabled check-in stations in each classroom to record attendance via the Brain app within the first 15 minutes of the class start time
First offense: Verbal warning and reminder of attendance policy;
Second offense: Written warning in student file;
Third offense: Mandatory meeting with counselor and potential loss of privileges;
Absence Reporting
Select the conversation with your teacher in Chat module of the Brain app to notify the school of absence, providing a reason and expected return date.
Failure to report absence: Marked as an unexcused absence, potentially affecting academic standing
Certificated staffer
Daily Attendance Recording
Review and confirm attendance records at the end of each class session.
First offense: Verbal warning;
Second offense: Written warning in personnel file;
Third offense: Performance improvement plan and potential impact on evaluation;
Absence Reporting
Review reported absences daily and update attendance records accordingly.
Failure to review reported absences: Verbal warning, escalating to written warning for repeated offenses
Attendance clerk
Daily Attendance Recording
Monitor daily check-ins and flag any inconsistencies for follow-up
First offense: Verbal warning;
Second offense: Written warning in personnel file;
Third offense: Retraining and potential reassignment of duties;
Absence Reporting
For absences longer than three consecutive days, contact the student to request additional documentation if necessary.
Failure to follow up on extended absences: Verbal warning, escalating to written warning for repeated offenses
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