California resident
Student resides in California and has provided proof.
No high school diploma
Student doesn't have a high school diploma
Must be 22 years or older
Adult Education Age Requirement
Minimum Instructional Minutes
School must meet a minimum number of instructional minutes per year
Attendance Accounting
Schools must maintain accurate daily attendance records
Independent Study Compliance
Attendance is based on the completion of assignments rather than seat time
AEBG Program Eligibility
Determine eligibility of students for the AEBG program
Parent and Family Engagement
Involve parents and families in the education of their EL children
Enrollment Reporting
Schools must report enrollment data monthly
Dropout Prevention Programs
Implement programs aimed at reducing dropout rates among adult learners
Unduplicated Student Counts
Track and report counts of unduplicated students (EL, FRPM, Foster Youth)
Adult Education Program Compliance
Ensure that adult education programs meet state standards and requirements
Monthly Attendance Reports
Submit monthly attendance reports to the authorizing agency
Annual ADA Certification
Certify annual ADA to the state
Special Programs Compliance
Ensure compliance with additional programs like ASES, CTE, secondary programs
Special Education Compliance
Ensure compliance with state and federal special education laws
English Learner Identification and Assessment
Identify ELs and assess their English language proficiency
English Learner Instructional Services
Provide instructional services and supports tailored to the needs of ELs
English Learner Progress Monitoring
Monitor the academic progress of ELs and adjust instruction as needed
Reclassification of English Learners
Reclassify ELs to fluent English proficient status once they meet state criteria
WIOA Program Eligibility
Determine eligibility of students for WIOA-funded programs
Integrated Education and Training
Provide integrated education and training programs that combine adult education with workforce preparation
Performance Accountability
Track and report performance outcomes for WIOA programs including employment and educational attainment
Career Pathways
Develop and implement career pathways that align with regional and state labor market needs
Supportive Services
Provide supportive services such as transportation, childcare, and career counseling to WIOA participants
Data Privacy and Security
Protect student data privacy and ensure data security
LCAP Compliance
Develop, adopt, and annually update an LCAP
AEBG Instructional Requirements
Provide adult education programs that meet the instructional requirements of AEBG
AEBG Data and Accountability
Track and report performance and accountability measures for AEBG programs