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Alex - Communications

Alex - Draft Email
AI Content
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To Whom
Generate a compelling, one paragraph email because
Generate Email!
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Alex - Improve Writing
Original Writing
AI Content
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Improve it!
Revise the following text for improvements in : '.' ChatGPT, do not include any excuses or mention being an AI lanague model in your response
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Jay - Patient Safety

Jay - Patient Safety
Facility Type
Desired Outcome
AI Format
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Research it!
Determine the top five best pratices for who wants to in their department. Use bullets to seperate items.
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Lane - Marketing

Lane - LinkedIn
Content to Share
LinkedIn Post
AI Content
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Create LinkedIn Post!
I'm a healthcare leader and I want to share a post on LinkedIn. Here is the content I want to share: . The purpose I'm sharing this content is to: . Please create an engaging LinkedIn post for me
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Lane - Blog
AI Content
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Word Count
Generate a -word blog post on . The purpose is to: . Optimize for SEO.
Create Blog Article!
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Lane - Press Release
Press Release
AI Content
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Press Release Content
Purpose of PR
I need you to generate a press release for me, a healthcare leader. Here is the press release content: . And here is the purpose of the press release: .
Create Press Release!
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Lee - Human Resources

Lee - HR Advice
Difficult HR Situation
AI Content
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Get Advice!
You are an HR exepert. I'm a healhtcare leader, and I need advice dealing with this difficult situation: ''. Can you empathize with me and offer your advice? Don't mention the phrase 'I can empathize with you' and don't mention you're an AI language model
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Ash - Quality Improvement

Ash - QI Ideas
What to improve?
In which area?
AI Content
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Research it!
I want to improve in at my healthcare facility. Give me five bulleted recommendations on how I can improve
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Kim - Project Management

Kim - Project Plan
Describe Project
Desired Timeframe
Project Plan
AI Content
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Create Project Plan!
I'm a healthcare manager and I want you do develop a project schedule for one of my projects. Here's my project: . It's taking place in this location: . For timing I want to accomplish the project in . Develop a robust project schedule to be completed within the desired timeline. Break the project schedule down by individual weeks
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Kim - PM Documents
Describe Project
What PM document to create?
Document Information
AI Content
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Create it!
I need you to develop a project management document for me. Here is my healthcare project description: ''. I need you to develop document for this project. Do not stop generating content due to word count constraints; continue generating content until the document is fully complete.
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Kim - Risk Analysis
Describe Project
Risk Assessment
AI Content
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Generate Risk Assessment!
I'm a healthcare manager, and I'm implementing a project described here: in location. Generate a list of possible risks that could go wrong with my project, starting with the most likely to the least likely
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Max - Career Coach

Max - Wellbeing
What are you struggling with?
How already tried?
AI Content
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Get advice!
I'm a healthcare leader and I'm stuggling with . Please give me advice. I've already tried to address it. In your response show empathy and do not mention you're an AI language model
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Max - Career
Current Education
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Current Role
Next Career Goal
Years of Experience
Get advice!
I'm a healthcare leader and I need you to give me career advice. I'm currently in this role: . My next career goal is to: . Currently I have years of experience and my education is: . Provide me advice on acheiving my next career goal. And end the advice with an encouraging statement or two.
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Sam - Patient Experience

Pat Exp Recommendation
AI Content
Facility Type
I'm a healthcare leader and I need to improve my patient experience scores. I'm in this type of facility: . I'm in this department: . I wwant to improve this patient experience metric: . What can I do to make that happen?
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