TWA Workflows

Website Questionnaire

Company Details

Company Name & Registration Number.
Company Address
Contact’s Name & Position

Scope and Goals

What are your goals for this project?
What’s the scope of the project?


Who is the website for?
What will visitors accomplish on your website?
What is the most important information your site must relay to the user, especially on the home page?
What types of actions do you want your visitors to take on your website?
Please share the buyer personas of our Target Audience
(Age, Gender, Interest, Behaviors, Education level, Income level, Geography)
What are the user's pain points, needs, and challenges that our platform solves?


Who are your main Competitors? Please list them below (Share as many as possible).
What makes you different from your competitors?
When analyzing your competitors’ sites, what do you like and not like about their websites?
(Please share any reference links with description text, thanks.)

Site Features/Design

In an ideal world, what do you want your website to become?
What are your specific goals for your new website that will help indicate if your investment is profitable?
How quickly do you want to achieve these goals?
Do you have a proposed sitemap prepared?
The overall feel of the design - any emotion you would like to provoke?
What image, look, or feel do you want your brand’s website to portray?
(Please add links to any reference websites you like for color palette or visuals.)
What types of things do you see on other websites that you really like?
What types of things do you see on other websites that you really hate?
Name the 3 things that are most important in the design of your website.
Name the 3 things that are least important in the design of your website.
What Are 3 of Your Favorite Websites and why?
What functional requirements are needed within the new website?
Is there any specific feature that is needed for your website?
What is the most important information your site must relay to the user, especially on the home page?
What features, sections, or information do you want to emphasize on the website?
Are there any core concepts that you would like to feature on your website?
Any key figures/ milestones that we plan to present on the website?
What are the most important calls-to-action (CTAs) on your site?
Are there any animations/ illustrations that you would want to add particularly on the website to explain certain concepts better?
Do we require a Chat-bot or any 3rd party integration on the website?
If yes, please list them.
How many pages will the finished website have (estimated)? Kindly select all that apply from the check box below?
About Us
Contact Us
(If there’s any other content page that needs to be included please list them below.)

Success/Failure Metrics

How will you measure success?
How can we avoid failure?


Do you have any brand guidelines?
If not, do you need help putting this together? Kindly share preferences for the following for the new website.
Color palette preference ( if any ): dark-themed/ light themed
Typography: Font preference [bold, light, serif, sans-serif] light sans-serif]
Other imagery: photos, illustrations, and artwork
Voice and tone: how the brand uses language and emotion
Please share the final content for all the pages of the website.
Do you have any specific photos/ media you plan to use?
(please provide hi-resolution files to us, thanks.)
Do you have any other materials that the site needs to match within some way (brochures, press materials, etc if yes please share them with us)?
Please share the Partner Logos that we wish to present on the website.
(You may upload these in the google drive folder)
Please share any Media/ Press Coverage that we wish to present on the website.
Please share the contact email to be used on the website.
Kindly share the details of your past work that we need to showcase on the website.
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