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February 2022 - An Introduction to TextExpander with Victor Martinez
Pete Wright
Nikki & Pete Summary Fun for March 2022
Show Episode
Helping students cope with the pressure to succeed
CBS Sunday Morning
Empathy is your Number One System with Dr. Norrine Russell
Show Episode
The Shocktato Incident
Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast
It’s a Wrap! Season 22 Review
Show Episode
Clousea vs. Cato
How Accountability Partners Work
Show Episode
"Here to Say” by Kalaki Clarke, MD
Living with ADHD - You can have struggles and still have success with Dr. Kalaki Clarke
Show Episode
“Life After Plans” by Dr. Kalaki Clarke
Living with ADHD - You can have struggles and still have success with Dr. Kalaki Clarke
Show Episode
The gift and power of emotional courage—Susan David TED Talk
ADHD & Self-Compassion: Learning to Speak to Ourselves with Love
Show Episode
Tara Koch
Growing Up with Undiagnosed ADHD with Tara Koch
Show Episode
Impact Parents
Parenting Complex Kids with ImpactParents’ Diane Dempster & Elaine Taylor-Klaus
Show Episode
Getting Started with Zettelkasten System
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
How I Take Notes with My iPad Pro in Lectures (Notability & Goodnotes) + Free Template
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
How I take notes on my iPad Pro in medical school - Cambridge University medical student
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
Zettelkasten Note-Taking Method: Simply Explained
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
How to Take Smart Notes | Zettlekasten Method in Roam Research
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
What Makes A Good Zettelkasten Note
Study Habits For the ADHD Student
Show Episode
Kanopy- Stream your library’s digital movies
Working Smarter at Home with Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
Show Episode
Peachpit Press Sketchnote Video Podcast YouTube Playlist
Mike Rohde
Sketchnoting: Visual Notetaking with Mike Rohde
Show Episode
Why Late Bloomers Are Undervalued
Rich Karlgaard
Patience, late bloomers, and ADHD
Show Episode
Author Life with Pete Wright
Luke Barnett
Organizing with ADHDー Part 5(ish): Addressing the Paper Piles!
Show Episode
Organizing With ADHDー Part 1: Introduction and Planning
Show Episode
Hiring Autistic Workers
CBS Sunday Morning
What you want the world to know about ADHD - Part 2
Show Episode
Sharing Rory
Getting One More Project DONEー Fight the Dog Days of Summer and ADHD!
Show Episode
Problems...and Happiness
Tony Robbins
Embracing Problems, Finding Happiness
Show Episode
7 Ways to Maximize Misery
CGP Grey
Start Your Day Right!
Show Episode
ADHD reWired
Eric Tivers
When we finally stop pretending we don't have ADHD with guest Eric Tivers
Show Episode
Task-to-Calendar Scheduling for Time Blocking
Pete Wright
Q&A with Nikki & Pete!
Show Episode
Alan Brown
The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown
Show Episode
Undiagnosed in Millions, Do You Have it? -Cause/Action: Alan Brown at TEDxSanDiego 2012
Alan Brown
The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown
Show Episode
Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff
Imposter Syndrome & ADHD
Show Episode
Workflow Pete used to get a new checklist in 2do
Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast
Checklists, automated checklists, and REALLY automated checklists with Pete!
Show Episode
Forget big change, start with a tiny habit: BJ Fogg at TEDxFremont
Building Mini Habits for Self-Care
Show Episode
Decision Models with Flying Logic
Conquer Overwhelm and Build Structure with these 6 Great Apps!
Show Episode
Brené Brown
Vulnerability & Shame: Reflecting on the work of Brené Brown
Show Episode
Brené Brown
Vulnerability & Shame: Reflecting on the work of Brené Brown
Show Episode
The Writer’s Room
Seeking Clarity
Show Episode
Note-taking tutorials
Back-to-School Technology Tools, Tips & Tricks
Show Episode
Back-to-School Technology Tools, Tips & Tricks
Show Episode
Mind Mapping
Back-to-School Technology Tools, Tips & Tricks
Show Episode
Mind Mapping with Tony Buzan
Back-to-School Technology Tools, Tips & Tricks
Show Episode
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