

The following episodes require a follow-up/fix
Ep 322 - ADHD Time Management Download redirect not working
Ep 258 - Vacation Checklist redirect error
Ep 300 - Unable to get Episode Thumbnail
Ep 218 - Download Paper Solution redirect error
Ep 208 - Link not working for “the latest batch of free forms and templates”
Ep 201 - “Our first tolerations episode” link redirect error
Ep 201 - Nikki/Pete tolerations redirect error.
Ep 190 - “This week on Navigating Change...” are those supposed to be capitalized?
Ep 190 - Incorrect link for The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique
Ep 200 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 201 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 182 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 320 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 275 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 252 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table
Ep 247 - Show link doesn’t work on Episode table

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