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Highs, lows and what to start, stop & continue.
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XYZ Product Launch

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XYZ Product Launch
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Team highs and lows
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Felix Marlin
Breadth of press coverage
Iterated quickly to get features pushed live
Awesome feature in Techcrunch
Some features were fixed and tested at the last minute
More time should've been allotted for testing
XYZ Product Launch
Joel Davis
Launch video was really well done
Press asked a lot of good questions which led to better stories
Lower than expected support tickets in first 24-48 hours
Didn't have as many reporters as I thought we would have
Some long-time users didn't like the new updates
XYZ Product Launch
Mary Jones
Overall plan was executed well
Re-engaged churned users
Felt that some team members didn't have much to do during the launch
XYZ Product Launch
Adam Davis
Enjoyed working with team members I don't normally work with
So great to see whole company focused on one common goal
Original launch plan was very detailed, but should've accounted for changes as we got closer to launch
Should've reached out to more bloggers about our launch
XYZ Product Launch
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Start, Stop, and Continue?
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Related Retro
🏁 Start Doing
Develop stories with reporters a few months before launch.
Felix Marlin
XYZ Product Launch
Communicate to entire company about new feature development.
Joel Davis
XYZ Product Launch
Consult with product team to figure out launch messaging.
Mary Jones
XYZ Product Launch
✅ Continue Doing
Keep existing users in the loop on new features through e-mails.
Joel Davis
XYZ Product Launch
Set stretch goals!
Buck Dubois
XYZ Product Launch
Maintain cadence of meetings before each launch.
Felix Marlin
XYZ Product Launch
⛔ Stop Doing
Making last minute changes to features.
Joel Davis
XYZ Product Launch
Involving reporters near the end of the launch plan.
Mary Jones
XYZ Product Launch

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