Worship Notes

The Year of Jubilee

The prophets speak of a day of ultimate restoration and redemption when evil will be defeated and the whole world will be a vineyard filled with blossoms and fruit. The Year of Jubilee, an Israelite festival, was meant to be a foretaste of that great day. Every 50th year, marked with the loud blow of a trumpet, was supposed to be a year in which all Israelites would return to their land and be freed from their debts. It helped them look backwards to Eden and forwards to the new Earth. As we celebrate our 50th year as a church today, our sermon text today will help us look back at God's grace to us at Trinity Bible, and forwards to our final rest in God's presence. (Isa. 27:12-13, Lev. 25:9, Luke 4:16-21)
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