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Volunteer Guidelines

Thank you for dedicating your God-given talents for his glory and the good of his people.

As part of the music team, what we do on Sunday mornings is as much a responsibility as it is a blessing. We gather together to engage in worship through music by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our goal is to lead the congregation into singing sound, Gospel-centered doctrine and being transformed by what they sing. We want to help them think more clearly about the words they are singing and how they point to the glory of God—not to be a distraction!
Being elevated from the congregation and on camera for the live-stream highlights your appearance and magnifies the importance of making non-distracting choices.

With that in mind, here are some guidelines for behavior and appearance:


Clean, neat, and modest clothes
Long pants / skirts that reach at least to the knees
Coming to practice well-prepared
Being on time
Joyful appearance


Low-cut shirts / halter tops / spaghetti straps
Shorts / short skirts / kilts
Performing songs without knowing them
Overly powerful cologne / perfume
Being late
Looking like you’d rather be asleep

As a general principle, if you have a feeling that something you're wearing could potentially distract, consider changing it to something else.

Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to our shared mission of Making Disciple-Making Disciples through the ministry of music.

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